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Mimerme edited this page Aug 5, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the takeetoes wiki!

Here's a brief overview of Takeetoe

Project Vision

The primary goal of Takeetoe is to make it easy for developers to create small p2p network applications (chat, games, content sharing), no matter what language they chose to use. This means creating a binary/library that'll abstract the intricacies of p2p network design/communications.


Takeetoe is a runtime that can be used as either a binary or a static library on any platform that implements a network stack and Rustc targets. If it's used as a binary developer can communicate to it (Inter-process communication) via a TCP socket (subject to change). If it's used as a library then it runs similar to the binary, however, you are able to access more of node's internal state. (NOTE: if ur using it as a library for anything other than Rust you'll need to create the native bindings urself).

Raw Functionality

Uses TCP, so its not a performance-oriented, but deliveries are guaranteed Limited to 42 peers because each peer is connected to every other peer Uses up to 3 threads

Network Thread - runs the main event loop and handles all the TCP connections

Accept Thread - accepts new incoming p2p network peers

IPC Thread - thread for iter-process communication over TCP

Getting Started

General overview

In-depth overview

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