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Who does not love Space? This DataSet was scraped from and includes all the space missions since the beginning of Space Race (1957)

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Who does not love Space? This DataSet was scraped from and includes all the space missions since the beginning of Space Race (1957)

The dataset you linked to is a list of all space missions that have been conducted since 1957. It includes information about each mission, such as the name of the mission, the launch date, the launch vehicle, and the agency responsible for the mission. The dataset also includes details about the payload of each mission, including the type of spacecraft and the objectives of the mission.

The dataset is hosted on Kaggle, a platform for data science and machine learning. It was created by a user named "agirlcoding," who compiled the data from various sources. The dataset has been updated several times since it was first published, with the most recent update occurring in September 2021.

This dataset could be useful for anyone interested in the history of space exploration or in analyzing trends in space missions over time. It could also be used as a starting point for research or analysis of specific aspects of space missions, such as the types of payloads that have been launched or the agencies responsible for conducting the missions.

1. Dataset

The datashape is 4324 rows × 9 columns

Unnamed Unnamed Company Name Location Datum Detail Status Rocket Rocket Status Mission

Data Set found in Kaggle.

Company name : The space organisation undertaking the mission

Location : The point of spacecraft launch on earth

Datum : Date and time of liftoff

Detail : Name and type of the spaceship

Status of rocket : Whether the space craft is still under commission and active in it's mission

Rocket : Cost of the mission in million $

Status Mission : Whether the mission was successful

2. Goal of the project

With this final project for IronHack I want to show the skills I have learned for the last 6 months. I will be demonstrating Data Analysis skills in SQL, Python and Tableau and I will be using Machine learning techniques.

3. For SQL:

I am demonstrating ability to use SQL to work with data The code demonstrates my ability to clean, explore, and analyze data using SQL. This includes handling missing values and outliers and using SQL functions and clauses to perform statistical analysis.

Using the code, I showed my skills in data preparation and analysis. These skills are valuable for various applications, such as business intelligence, data analysis, and data science.

Overall, the provided code demonstrates my ability to use SQL to work with data and extract valuable insights.

4. For Python:

Main Goal - Predicting the likelihood of a space launch being successful

Objectives: -Develop a machine learning model that can accurately predict the success or failure of a space launch based on historical data -Evaluate the performance of the model and identify any factors that may influence the success of a launch -Use the model to make predictions on future launches and inform decision-making for space exploration organizations


Who does not love Space? This DataSet was scraped from and includes all the space missions since the beginning of Space Race (1957)






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