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Implementation of "Class-agnostic Few-shot Instance Segmentation of Digital Pathological Images" in Pytorch


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Class-agnostic Few-shot Instance Segmentation of Digital Pathological Images


This project is a pure pytorch implementation of Class-agnostic Few-shot Instance Segmentation of Digital Pathological Images. A majority of the code is modified from roytseng-tw/Detectron.pytorch.

Getting Started

Clone the repo:

git clone


Create the conda environment:

$ conda env create --file environment.yaml


  • python=3.7.3
  • cuda=10.0
  • pytorch=1.1.0
  • torchvision=0.3.0
  • cython
  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • opencv
  • pyyaml
  • packaging
  • pycocotools — for COCO dataset, also available from pip.
  • tensorboardX — for logging the losses in Tensorboard.


Compile the cuda dependencies using following simple commands:

cd lib  # please change to this directory

It will compile all the modules you need, including NMS, ROI_Pooing, ROI_Crop and ROI_Align. (Actually gpu nms is never used ...).

Data Preparation

Create a data folder under the repo,

cd {repo_root}
mkdir data
  • FIS-Cell: Download the FIS-Cell(Few-shot Instance Segmentation for Cell images) dataset from Google Drive.

    Feel free to put the dataset at any place you want, and then soft link the dataset under the data/ folder:

    ln -s path/to/FIS-Cell data/fis_cell

    Recommend to put the images on a SSD for possible better training performance.

Pretrained Model

We use ResNet50 as the pretrained model in our experiments. This pretrained model is from timy90022/One-Shot-Object-Detection and available at:

Download and unzip them into the {repo_root}/data/.


Use the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to control which GPUs to use.

In FIS-Cell dataset, we split it into 5 class splits. It will train and test different class. Just to adjust --g (1~5).

If you want to train parts of the dataset, try to modify --seen:

  • 1: only see training class (for training).
  • 2: only see testing class (for testing).
  • 3: see both training class and testing class.

Adapative config adjustment


  • batch_size: NUM_GPUS x TRAIN.IMS_PER_BATCH
  • effective_batch_size: batch_size x iter_size
  • change of somethining: new value of something / old value of something

Following config options will be adjusted automatically according to actual training setups:

  1. number of GPUs NUM_GPUS
  2. batch size per GPU TRAIN.IMS_PER_BATCH
  3. update period iter_size
  • SOLVER.BASE_LR: adjust directly propotional to the change of batch_size.
  • SOLVER.STEPS, SOLVER.MAX_ITER: adjust inversely propotional to the change of effective_batch_size.

Train from scratch

To train a model with ResNet50 on FIS-Cell, simply run:

python tools/ --dataset fis_cell --use_tfboard --bs {batch_size} --nw {num_workers} --g {split_id} --seen {seen_id} --k {num_shots}

Use --bs to overwrite the default batch size to a proper value that fits into your GPUs. Simliar for --nw, number of data loader threads defaults to 4 in

Specify —-use_tfboard to log the losses on Tensorboard.

Finetune from a pretrained checkpoint

python tools/ ... --load_ckpt {path/to/the/checkpoint}

※You can download our model weights from: Google Drive

Resume training with the same dataset and batch size

python tools/ ... --load_ckpt {path/to/the/checkpoint} --resume

When resume the training, step count and optimizer state will also be restored from the checkpoint. For SGD optimizer, optimizer state contains the momentum for each trainable parameter.


Evaluate the training results

To test the model on FIS-Cell, simply run:

python tools/ --dataset fis_cell --load_ckpt {path/to/your/checkpoint} --g {split_id} --seen {seen_id} --k {num_shots} --a {avg_iters} --vis

Specify a different output directry, use --output_dir {...}. Defaults to {the/parent/dir/of/checkpoint}/test

Configuration Options

Architecture specific configuration files are put under configs. The general configuration file is lib/core/

Web Demo

To displays the interaction between our few-shot learning model and users, run


and see Min-Sheng/cfisDemo for more details.


Code is based on roytseng-tw/Detectron.pytorch and timy90022/One-Shot-Object-Detection and oeway/pytorch-deform-conv.


Implementation of "Class-agnostic Few-shot Instance Segmentation of Digital Pathological Images" in Pytorch







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