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Library intended to camelize or decamelize keys in objects.


A lot of times collaboration between frontend and backend differs in the casing. It is common to use camelCase in JavaScript in frontend. While backend payloads commonly use snake_case. It is not uncommon for backend API response payloads to be remapped into cammelCase and vice-versa when sending frontend-to-backend requests.
This library aims to provide a seamless API requests interceptor that would cover casing for both ends.
camel-de-camle library can definitely be used outside of backend/frontend API communication context, but it is built with it in mind and therefore accounts only for JSON parsable data. I.e. things like regex are not accounted for.


npm i camel-de-camel

Or if you're using yarn

yarn add camel-de-camel

Alternative Usage

Alternatively, you can use ES module, which can be found under /lib/esm directory.
Or you can use umd package by adding bellow script tag to your html, and then using global CamelDeCamel object to access .camelize and .decamelize methods.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


Library provides you with two methods:

  • camelize - takes Object or Array of Objects as input and outputs the same data structure where each key in Objects is converted to cammelCase (no matter how deeply nested)
  • decamelize - takes two arguments as input: 1. Object or Array of Objects 2. options Object that consist of: 1. casing - wanted case to convert to (one of these: upper | snake| dot | kebab | pascal - default is snake) 2. excludeMixedCasing - Boolean value that defaults to false, which allows to exclude non-alphanumeric keys from being converted to selected casing(as it would result in even more mixed casing). Function decamelize outputs same data structure where each key in Objects is converted to selected casing (mixed casing is either excluded or converted based on excludeMixedCasing option value).



// input
  snake_case: 'value',
  PascalCase: {
    "kebab-case": "value",
    "": "value",
    { inner_HTML: "keys get fully camelized" }

// output of the above camelize() call
  snakeCase: 'value',
  pascalCase: {
    kebabCase: "value",
    dotCase: "value",
  upperCase: [
    { innerHtml: "keys get fully camelized" }


decamelize({ camelCase: "value" }); // output:  { camel_case: "value" }
decamelize({ camelCase: "value" }, { casing: "snake" }); // output: { camel_case: "value" }
decamelize({ camelCase: "value" }, { casing: "upper" }); // output: { CAMEL_CASE: "value" }
decamelize({ camelCase: "value" }, { casing: "dot" }); // output: { "": "value" }
decamelize({ camelCase: "value" }, { casing: "kebab" }); // output: { "camel-case": "value" }
decamelize({ camelCase: "value" }, { casing: "pascal" }); // output: { CamelCase: "value" }

// by default camelize does not exclude "mixed casing keys"
decamelize({ "dot.Kebab_snake": "value" }); // output: { "dot._kebab_snake": "value" }
decamelize({ "dot.Kebab_snake": "value" }, { casing: "snake" }); // output: { "dot._kebab_snake": "value" }
// adding excludeMixedCasing option as true will exclude any non-alphanumeric keys
decamelize({ "dot.Kebab_snake": "value" }, { casing: "snake", excludeMixedCasing: true }); // output: { "dot.Kebab_snake": "value" }

example of axios request/response interceptors (axios has to be added to the project separately)

// will convert to snake case without mixed casing exclusion
axios.interceptors.request.use((requestObject) => {
  const decamelizedData = decamelize(;

  return { ...requestObject, data: decamelizedData };

// will intercept response data and convert to camelCase
axios.interceptors.response.use((responseObject) => {
  const camelizedData = camelize(;

  return { ...responseObject, data: camelizedData };


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