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App Rating Dialog

Prompt a dialog for the user to rate your app. There's two ways to use this, using our default dialog or using your own


dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.mindera.skeletoid:apprating:1.1.0'

Using your own dialog

  1. Init with your preferred conditions: AppRatingInitializer.init(context, callback, Pair(maximumCount, timeRange), timeBetweenPrompts)

    callback: AppRatingCallback - Callback that will be called to show the dialog maximumCount: Int - Number of times the prompt will show within the timeRange timeRange: Long - Time range to reset the number of counts (in days) timeBetweenPrompts: Long - Minimum time to prompt the dialog again (in days)

    e.g, if you want that the minimal time in days to show the user the prompt again to be 30, but you don't want it to show more than 3 times in a year span(365 days), then you will have: maximumCount = 3 timeRange = 365 timeBetweenPrompts = 30

  2. Call AppRatingInitializer.promptDialog(context). This will check if the conditions are met to show the dialog and call the showRatingDialog() of the AppRatingCallback.

  3. Show dialog inside the showRatingDialog() of the AppRatingCallback.

  4. Handle the response and call the following so the conditions are updated: AppRatingInitializer.handleDialogResponse(context, AppRatingDialogResponse)

    Use one of the following depending on the action: AppRatingDialogResponse.RATE_NOW - this will update the condition as the user just rated the app and will never prompt the dialog again AppRatingDialogResponse.RATE_LATER - this will schedule a prompt after the timeBetweenPrompts value in days as passed AppRatingDialogResponse.NEVER_RATE - this will never prompt the dialog again

Using our dialog

  1. Init with your preferred conditions, but this time don't pass the callback here: AppRatingInitializer.init(context, Pair(maximumCount, timeRange), timeBetweenPrompts)

  2. Call AppRatingInitializer.promptDialog(context, fragmentManager), passing it a fragment manager. Make sure that the activity of the passed fragmentManager implements the AppRatingResponseCallback. This will check if the conditions are met to show the dialog and call the showRatingDialog() of the AppRatingCallback.

  3. Handle the response of the dialog in the AppRatingDialogResponseCallback methods: onRateNowClick(): This will handle the "Ok, sure" button onRateLaterClick(): This will handle the "Not now" button onNeverRateClick(): This will handle the "Don't ask me again" button