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Golden Path linting rules for a brighter tomorrow.

Shared Mindflash Javascript eslint config

Add to an existing project

Add package: npm install --save-dev git+ssh://

Add a .eslintrc file to the root of your project:

	"extends": "mindflash"

Full workflow setup


A note on eslint:

eslint is a very powerful tool that offers a large highly customizable rule set. Rules can be set to disabled, warning, or error. Beyond that many rules offer tight grained control such as this one where you can specify additional settings that allow use of assignment operators in conditionals if you wrap the operation with parens. Thus a binary view of rule settings should be avoided and the concerned coder should be willing to look at the rule page for additional information about the rule, it's settings, and reasoning for its utility before forming an opinion on a rule.

A complete list of eslint rules can be found here. Where applicable every rule has a detailed explanation of the pros and cons associated with the rule, examples of the conditions under which the linter will act, information about additional configuration, and links to additional information about the reasoning for the rule if applicable. The page for semi colon usage is a great example of eslints approach to linting rules.


If you would like to suggest a rule change please open a pull request and provide 3-5 business days for people to be able to respond to your pull request and provide feedback. Due to the controversial nature of some linting rules we need to allow people an opportunity to voice their opinions so that we end up with the linting rule set we want as a team.