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Create proxies for Minecraft



Install the package:

$ npm install @minecraft-js/proxies

And then import it in your JavaScript/TypeScript file

const Proxies = require('@minecraft-js/proxies'); // CommonJS

import * as Proxies from '@minecraft-js/proxies'; // ES6

Read only proxies

Read only proxies are proxies where you can only read packets. Create a read only proxy like so

const proxy = new Proxies.ReadOnlyProxy({
  serverHostname: 'localhost', // Target server hostname
  port: 8080, // Proxy port

And then you can use the ReadOnlyProxy#on method to listen for different events:

  • raw_listening - When the TCP server is listening
  • raw_connect - When a client opens a connection
  • raw_disconnect - When a client closes a connection
  • raw_close - When the TCP server is closed
  • error - When an error occurs
  • outgoing_data - When data is sent to the target server
  • incoming_data - When data is received from the target server

Using TypeScript?

If you are using TypeScript or you want type checking make sure to install the typed-emitter package!

$ npm install typed-emitter