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afyber edited this page Jul 31, 2019 · 7 revisions

So, I thought I would list the controls more or less concisely here, because there are some that aren't all that clear. Here's all of them:

  • UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT - pretty self-explanatory; these determine which keys make the player move around.

  • SELECT (Default key: "ENTER") - used for menus before starting the game, like the title screen, and also for the pause menu, to select the current option.

  • EXIT (Default key: "ESCAPE") - Exits the menu, and goes back to the previous one.

  • ATTACK (Default key: "C|SPACE") - This basically uses the currently held item, which could be a sword or a tile, or some furniture. Maybe it should be called "USEITEM", I don't know. This also selects the item in your inventory.

  • MENU (Default key: "X|ENTER") - used to open menus (such as your crafting menu) or otherwise interact with objects, besides hitting them or using your held item, such as getting in bed.

  • CRAFT (Default key: "Z") - open/close personal crafting window.

  • PICKUP (Default key: "V") - pickup torches / furniture; this replaces the power glove, if you played the old version.

  • DROP-ONE (Default key: "Q") - drops the item in your hand, or selected in your inventory, by ones; it won't drop an entire stack. This also will move single items to and from a chest.

  • DROP-STACK (Default key: "SHIFT-Q") - drops the item in your hand, or selected in your inventory, entirely; even if it's a stack.

  • PAUSE (Default key: "ESCAPE") - pause the game.

  • SETHOME (Default key: "SHIFT-H") - set your home. This is a spot that you can teleport to with the HOME key at any point, as long as you are on the surface.

  • HOME (Default key: "H") - go to set home. Note: on Hardcore mode, there is a penalty for using this.

  • POTIONEFFECTS (Default key: "P") - toggle potion effect display

  • INFO (Default key: "SHIFT-I") - open player stats display

  • QUICKSAVE (Default key: "R") - shortcut key to save the world (can also be done from pause menu)

Controls that exist, but aren't editable:

  • "F3" - toggle fps display