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Adding Blocks

Minimine edited this page May 4, 2018 · 12 revisions

Type minetem and add your arguments:

  • compile <source-json> <dest-folder> - compile source json
  • debug - use debug mode (get debug information)

JSON format

  "blocks": [
      "id": 1,
      "textures": "misc/underwater"
      "id": 2,
      "textures": {
        "up": "blocks/vine",
        "down": "blocks/tube_coral",
        "east": "blocks/tnt_top",
        "west": "blocks/terracotta",
        "north": "blocks/structure_block_save",
        "south": "blocks/stripped_birch_log_top"


  • This is the json structure of the source json. In the first example of a block you define the id of the block (1) and then the texture. The parent of a block is automatically set to a diamond hoe. To place the first block you habe to execute this command:
/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:mob_spawner{MaxNearbyEntities:0,RequiredPlayerRange:0,SpawnData:{id:"minecraft:armor_stand",ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:"minecraft:diamond_hoe",Count:1b,tag:{Unbreakable:1b,Damage:1}}]}} replace
  • The second block is nearly the same as the first, but in this example the block has not the same texture on the first every side of the block. We Also do this with the id, the second block has also a diamond_hoe as parent like every block, so we mustn't have the same id for it. But this block has for every side another texture, so we have to write them all manualy, and can't use the short form. To place this block type
/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:mob_spawner{MaxNearbyEntities:0,RequiredPlayerRange:0,SpawnData:{id:"minecraft:armor_stand",ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:"minecraft:diamond_hoe",Count:1b,tag:{Unbreakable:1b,Damage:2}}]}} replace

Info: You can also define a parent, if for you 1562 blocks aren't enough. It works like the parent on items.

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