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Data analysis of FEC Campaign data.


We will use a PostGIS database to handle some overhead and store the data.

  1. See these instructions for getting a PostGIS database up and running on a Mac.
  2. Create a new PostGIS database called minnpost_fec. This command should work: createdb -U postgres -h localhost -T template_postgis minnpost_fec

On a Mac, use Brew to get other dependencies.

Acquiring Data

Utilizing a 2012-04-17 version of the FEC Scraper we are able to get the data from the FEC. We are also getting zip data and putting into the DB.

  1. We need Fabric: sudo pip install fabric;
  2. Basic setup tasks: fab setup;
  3. Scrape FEC data; could take some time: fab scrape;
  4. Get zips and put in DB: fab zips;
  5. Create committees table: fab committees;

Process Data

Now, we will use the FEC Parser to create usable files with this data. Run the following:

fab parse;

Put Data into Postgres

FEC Parse will create tab-delimited text files in the ~/Data/fec/output directory. These are named with a time stamp and represent processed files since the last Parse run.

I used Navicat to import these into Postgres. I am sure there is a way to do this with the command line, but will have to figure that out first.

Use the following tables names for there respective groups of text files:

  • ScheduleAImport

Generate Dot Density Map

Process schedule data to dots and create map.

  1. Get requirements, use virtual environment if you want: sudo pip install -r data-processing/dots/requirements.txt;
  2. Dot density processing: fab dots;
  3. Link Tilemill projects: fab tilemill_link;


Q1 Table

To process data for q1_top_contributions.html, do the following:

  1. Run data-queries/fec_q1_contributions_by_entity.sql
  2. Convert to JSON. I exported the query results to CSV, then used CSVKit's csvjson to convert to JSON.
  3. Copy JSON into the visualizations/q1_top_contributions.html.

Q1 Dot Density

  1. Render tiles and upload to S3. Do note that this will take some time. The final arguments (1,13) are zoom levels and can be changed if needed: cd tilemill; fab map:"fec-q1-dot-density" production export_deploy:32:1:13
  2. Create simplified ZIP geojson dataset. The transform is needed as the SIMPLIFY function does not handle Lat,Lon (4326) correctly. ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON mn_zips.geojson "PG:dbname=minnpost_fec host=localhost user=postgres" -sql "SELECT zip, transform(simplify(transform(the_geom, 2249), 3000), 4326) AS coordinates FROM fec_amount_by_zip"

Technologies Used

  • Postgres, PostGIS
  • FEC-Scraper
  • Scraper Wiki
  • TileMill
  • Englewood
  • (many more)

Other Data Sources


Data analysis of FEC campaign data.







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