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For more details about this project, team members and the robot, please visit the Wiki pages

See the Starting Guide for development information.

Quick usage guide

Moving around

In order to move cobot, you need to run the following commands:

  roslaunch cobot_launch cobot.launch type:='manual'

To move Cobot with a gamepad, run:

  roslaunch cobot_teleop gamepad.launch

In order for Cobot (semi) autonomous driving, run the following where can be:


  roslaunch cobot_teleop test_driver.launch commands:=[<command_1>,<command_2>...,<command_n>]

Creating a map of the environment

For creating the map, first place the Kinect in the lower compartment of cobot.

Then execute the following commands for startup the mapping:

    roslaunch cobot_launch cobot.launch type:='mapping'
    roslaunch cobot_navigation cobot_gmapping.launch
  roslaunch cobot_teleop gamepad.launch

If you want to see how the map looks, run the following:

    roslaunch cobot_visualise visualise_mapping.launch

When you are done and want to save the current map, run (where mapname is the name of the map):

  rosrun map_server map_saver -f <mapname>

This will the map in the current directory. Move these files to the directory "cobot_navigation/maps" using the following command:

  mv my_map.pgm <location of cobot_navigation/maps>
  mv my_map.yaml <location of cobot_navigation/maps>

Navigation and Ordering coffee

Creating list of navigation locations

For creating the map, first attach the Kinect to the table.

Then run the following:

    roslaunch cobot_launch cobot.launch type:='navigation'

mapname is the name of the map to use.

    roslaunch cobot_navigation cobot_automonous.launch map_file:=<mapname>

Start the following for visualising and interacting with navigation, run:

  roslaunch cobot_visualise visualise_navigation.launch

In this screen, select "2d pose estimate" and drag an arrow from the current cobot position to the orientation it faces.

If you want to add a navigation goal, run first:

  rostopic echo /move_base_simple/goal

This will output the location and orientation of the given goal. You can create a new navigation goal by selecting "2d nav goal" and drag an arrow on the position to travel to. The direction is the orientation of cobot.

Running the connection between the application and cobot

The navigation goals that are made above must be added to the cobot server.

After that, run the following:

  roslaunch cobot_api_client cobot_serverConnection.launch 

This starts the connection between the application and cobot.

Order a coffee

Open up the application and you can order a coffee.


Repository for the ROS code for Cobot, only the packages






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