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Backup & Restore

Minty Trebor edited this page Jan 4, 2024 · 7 revisions

Backup/Restore, reset, & Import/Export Settings

Clicking the Backup & Restore button will display the following additional buttons:
enter image description here

Button Actions (Bottom to Top):

Restore Config: Loads the defined settings file from the DWC system folder. This will override any current settings.

Backup Config: Saves your current configuration to a file in the DWC system folder. This is useful for transferring plugin settings between different browsers, or after you have cleared your browsers cache.

Reset Configuration: Clears your current config and resets the configuration to default. This will remove all buttons, tabs, events, and clear any other settings back to default. Essentially this is a total reset back to factory settings.

Export: Opens the Export window, where you can choose to export layouts and custom panels to a json file.

Import: Opens the Import window, where you can choose to import layouts and custom panels from a json file.


By default BtnCmd saves its settings in the browsers local cache, this means if you clear your cache or history, or the url of DWC changes, all of your settings and layouts will be lost. You should use the Backup feature to avoid any loss of your configuration options.