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Machina Mausoleum is a simple top down bullet hell
set in procedurally generated dungeons.


Welcome to the Machina Mausoleum repository, dedicated to my semestral project inspired by Enter The Gungeon's distinctive style and core concept. This game features procedurally generated dungeons, an array of weapons to choose from, and a bunch of enemies to defeat. The project was developed using the Unity Game Engine.


Before diving into this project, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites to guarantee a seamless experience:

  1. Unity Engine : The project was developed using Unity [2022.3.6f1]. It's highly recommended to use the latest release.
  2. .NET Runtime : Ensure that you have the .NET Runtime installed on your system. You can download and install the latest version from the official .NET Website.


  1. Clone this repository or download it as a ZIP file
    git clone
  2. Launch Unity and select "Open Project." Navigate to the directory where you've either cloned or extracted the game, and Unity will automatically load the project.

How to play

  1. Download the game as described in Installation.
  2. Unzip the dowloaded file.
  3. Navigate to a folder called Machina Mausoleum - build.
  4. Launch Machina Mausoleum.exe.


Key Action
W Move Up
A Move Left
S Move Down
D Move right
Space Roll
LButton Shoot
WheelDown Switch Weapon
WheelUp Switch Weapon
E Equip Weapon Pickup
E Pickup Item
ESC Pause / Unpause

Unfinished features

The original project scope included implementing a boss fight mechanic that would occur every few levels. However, due to time constraints, the initial version was released without the planned boss fight. In the future, I intend to incorporate several boss fights in a style similar to "Enter the Gungeon," along with a story mode.

  • Boss Fight
  • Story Mode

Additional Documentation

  1. User documentation: User Docs
  2. Technical documentation: Program Docs
  3. NavMeshPlus: NavMeshPlus Docs


Simple procedurally generated dungeon crawler







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