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Coursera's specialization of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) offered by Deeplearning.AI

My study notes of GANs specialization :)

This repo summarizes all the recommended reading materials and notebooks that are related to GANs offered by DeeplearningAI. The reading materials are not all covered in details in the specialization courses, but some notebooks and recommended readings could be used as a starting point to learn different algorithms and applications.

Course 1. Building Basic GAN

Week 1

Reading recommendations

Week 2

Reading recommendations

Python notebooks

Week 3

Reading recommendations

Python notebooks

Week 4

Reading recommendations

Course 2. Building Better GAN

Week 1

Reading recommendations

Week 2

Reading recommendations

Python notebooks

  • VAE
  • Score-based GAN model: This is a hitchhiker's guide to score-based generative models, a family of approaches based on estimating gradients of the data distribution. They have obtained high-quality samples comparable to GANs (like below, figure from this paper) without requiring adversarial training, and are considered by some to be the new contender to GANs.
  • GAN debiasing: In this notebook, you will learn about Fair Attribute Classification through Latent Space De-biasing (Ramaswamy et al. 2020) that introduces a method for training accurate target classifiers while mitigating biases that stem from these correlations. Specifically, this work uses GANs to generate realistic-looking images and perturb these images in the underlying latent space to generate training data that is balanced for each protected attribute. They augment the original dataset with this perturbed generated data, and empirically demonstrate that target classifiers trained on the augmented dataset exhibit a number of both quantitative and qualitative benefits.
  • NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields: In this notebook, you'll learn how to use Neural Radiance Fields to generate new views of a complex 3D scene using only a couple input views, first proposed by NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis (Mildenhall et al. 2020). Though 2D GANs have seen success in high-resolution image synthesis, NeRF has quickly become a popular technique to enable high-resolution 3D-aware GANs.

Week 3

Reading recommendations

Python notebooks

  • In this notebook, you're going to learn about StyleGAN2, from the paper Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN (Karras et al., 2019), and how it builds on StyleGAN. This is the V2 of StyleGAN, so be prepared for even more extraordinary outputs. a relative link
  • In this notebook, you'll learn about and implement the components of BigGAN, the first large-scale GAN architecture proposed in Large Scale GAN Training for High Fidelity Natural Image Synthesis (Brock et al. 2019). BigGAN performs a conditional generation task, so unlike StyleGAN, it conditions on a certain class to generate results. BigGAN is based mainly on empirical results and shows extremely good results when trained on ImageNet and its 1000 classes. a relative link

Course 3. Apply Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Week 1. GAN for data augmentation and privacy

Reading recommendations

  • Use GANs to create talking heads and deepfakes: Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models (Zakharov, Shysheya, Burkov, and Lempitsky, 2019):
  • De-identify (anonymize) a face while preserving essential facial attributes in order to conceal an identity: De-identification without losing faces (Li and Lyu, 2019):
  • Attributing Fake Images to GANs: Learning and Analyzing GAN Fingerprints (Yu, Davis, and Fritz, 2019):

Python notebooks

Week 2. Image-to-Image translation with pix2pix

Reading recommendations

Python notebooks

Week 3. Unpaired translation with CycleGAN

Reading recommendations

Python notebooks


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