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War-weary 厌战的
Day-dreaming 白日梦的
Card-carrying 正宗的,地地道道的
Double-dealing 口是心非的
Tongue-tied 沉默寡言的
Sight-seeing 观光的;观光
Vice and virtue 善恶
Fussing and fuming 乌烟瘴气,鸡犬不宁
Appreciation and approval 赞许
High hope 奢望
the powerful and privileged sector权贵阶 层 Sparsely-settled 人烟稀少的 soothe one’s sorrow 抚慰忧伤
laugh out loud放声大笑

bated breath
father figure
gas guzzler
halfhearted / wholehearted
add insult to injury
jump for joy
labor of love
mind over matter
neck and neck
cost a pretty penny
rave reviews
sorry sight
stand the test of time
vice versa
work wonders
a word to the wise

alas and alack
back of beyond
back to back
back to basics
bag and baggage
bear the brunt
bed and board
bee in my bonnet
bigger the better
black and blue
blind as a bat
boom or bust
born and bred
brains or brawn
bread and butter
brittened and brent
brown as a berry
captains of commerce
chump change
clay and clod
clean your clock
cool as a cucumber
dale and down
deaf and dumb
dime a dozen
do or die
down and dirty
down in the dumps
ducks and drakes
dune and dale
fair of face
fair or foul fast and furious
femme fatale
fine fettle
fire and flood
firth and fell
fish to fry
fit as a fiddle
forgive and forget
fortune 500
free and fair
friends and family
frith and field
geese and goslings
good as gold
good for the goose
green as grass
hale and hearty
hands on hips
hand over head
have and hold
have and to hold
head over heels
heart to heart
hearth and home
heavy hitter
hell or high
hide nor hair
hill and hollow
hot and heavy
hounds of hell
house and home
house and harbour
judge and jury
jump for joy
kit and caboodle
kith and kin
labor of love
law of the land
lesson learned
lessons learned
life and limb
lith and land
lithe and lissom
live and learn
look before you leap
lords and ladies
make or miss
mark and meed
meet your match
might and main
mind over matter
mixed message
mixed messages
the more the merrier
neck and neck
need to know
next to nothing
now or never
pack a punch
part and parcel
peer pressure
penny wise, pound foolish
pet peeve
phrase and fable
pole position
poor but proud
pots and pans
pride of place
prim and proper
prime the pump
raise the roof
right and wrong
risk and reward
rock and roll
sand and shore
saints and sinners
sink or swim
slip and slide
spick and span
stars and stripes
sticks and stones
strand and stream
sugar and spice
swear and stare
sweet and sour
sweet as sugar
sweet science
take your time
thick and thin
thick as thieves
think twice
time and tide
time will tell
tit for tat
trailer trash
trash talking
tried and true
trim for tram
vim and vigor
war of words
wit and wisdom
word to the wise
writing is on the wall

twist and turn 迂回曲折

might and main 尽全力

part and parcel 重要部分

safe and sound 安然无恙

spick and span 崭新的,极干净的

time and tide 岁月,时光

go to rack and ruin 陷于毁灭 

slow and sure 慢而稳,稳妥

hale and hearty 老当益壮

chop and change 变幻莫测(尤指观点,计划等)

fair and foul 在任何情况下

weal and woe 福祸

sum and subs tance 主要情况,要点(尤指讲话的主要部分)
forgive and forget 不念旧恶

wax and wane (月的)盈亏圆缺;盛衰