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Kostiantyn Danylov aka koder edited this page Apr 30, 2015 · 1 revision

Each single disk test returns at least three numbers - bandwith, IOPS and latency. There a lot of parameters, which affect this numbers. Apart from system setup itself next parameters are part of test load:

  • Block size. Power of two [512, 4 MiB]
  • Operation - {initial write, read, write, read+write}
  • Offset selection mode - {sequential, random}
  • Sync mode - {sync, direct, async, direct+sync}
  • VM count - [1, several dozens] typically
  • Client count - [1, up to thousand] per VM
  • Test len - X sec, [10s, Several hours]

Run long enough tests for each possible combinations would requires a weeks of testing. We would try to cut those tests, which are:

  • Depends on other parts of system more, that on disk storage
  • Don't give new data, as they results can be estimated from results of other tests

For different type of testing system there would be a different tests selection: