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Discord Astro Bot

Discord Bot for Star Citizen players

This project contains python bot project for Discord, useful for Star Citizen players.

Available features:

  1. Organization fleet information. Each member can add/remove ships that he owns. Database is stored for everyone. There are commands to display whole organization fleet or ships owned by specific member.
  2. Ship matrix data. There are commands to view ship details, comparison of multiple ships or check prices of multiple ships that match expression (e.g. all DRAKE ships)
  3. Displaying of Road Map data with filters on specific expression (e.g. when searching for a ship release). Displaying info for a specific release or Road Map category.
  4. Displaying current SC releases (PU and PTU) according to Road Map version.
  5. Thread monitoring changes in current SC release on Road Map page and Spectrum forums.
  6. Trade assistant shows best trade routes for given conditions (budget, cargo, start/end location).
  7. Mining assistant showing resources prices.

If your bot is running use the help command to see all available commands.


  • Python 3.5+
  • MongoDB - for storing data cache
  • Some SQL database if you don't want to use default SQLite


  • aiohttp 3.4.4
  • async-timeout 3.0.1
  • disco-py 0.0.12
  • pafy 0.5.4
  • pymongo 3.7.2
  • SQLAlchemy 1.2.12
  • tabulate 0.8.2
  • youtube-dl 2018.10.5


pip install dastro_bot
python -m dastro_bot.install DIRECTORY_NAME

The second command generates default configuration files to run your own BOT:

  • discord_bot.json - disco-py bot configuration file
  • - basic bot class
  • discord_bot.service - systemd unit file
  • - named tuples with translation
  • - custom settings for your bot

Basic Configuration

Here's what you absolutely need to configure to run the bot:

  • discord_bot.json
    • set the token value to your generated discord token
    • set the CHANNELS dict values to channels IDs from your server
    • actually in basic config only the main channel is required
    • you can set all three channels with the same value
  • discord_bot.service
    • if you want to setup a systemd service

Trade and mining data

All raw data for these features is pulled from this project API:
I strongly encourage to use this page for prices and other data reporting or to contribute in any other way to the linked project. Please create your own account on that page and set the SCM_TOKEN in accordingly.

SQL Database

Astro Bot uses SQL Alchemy to handle database and SQLite database is used by default. If you want to use different database then please adjust file accordingly.
There are two parameters there which are used to configure database:



Mongo is used to store cache data (in case if external data sources are unavailable). It works with default settings. If you need to customize it find MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING in