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MitMaro's Build Scripts

A set of Bash functions that can be used in building projects.



npm install --save[-dev] @mitmaro/build-scripts


Install the package using yarn:

yarn add @mitmaro/build-scripts


Create a file to source the build-scripts that contains the following, selecting npm or yarn:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
source "$(npm|yarn bin)/build-scripts.bash" || exit 1

On the top of the script files add the following to source the file created above, replacing ./common.bash with the relative path to the file created above.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && source "./common.bash"


debug|info|warn|error <message>...

Prints a formatted message of type debug, info, warning or error.

error will print message to stderr instead of stdout.


debug "My debug" "message" 
info "My info" "message"
warn "My warning" "message"
error "My error" "message"

hl <message>

Prints a highlighted message.


info "Print $(hl "foobar") as highlighted"

fatal message [<exit_code>]

Prints a message using the error function and then exits is a non-zero exit_code is provided. If the optional exit_code argument is not provided, the last commands exit code will be used.


# Print error message and exits with code 22
fatal "An error occurred" 22

# Usage as an error handler
my_command || fatal "my_command failed"

set-log-level <level>

Sets the logging level to the provided level. A log function will only output when the level is at or above the level of the function. The levels go from debug -> info -> warn -> error -> fatal and defaults to info.


set-log-level "warn"

set-log-name <name>

Sets a logging name for this process that will be printed before every log output. It will automatically surrounded like [<name>]. By default no logging name will be used.


set-log-name "my-process.1"


Clears the logging name.



check-command <command>

Checks if the command provided as command exists, if not found the script will exit with EXIT_CODE_INVALID_STATE.


check-command "node"

ensure-directory <directory>

Checks if the directory at directory exists, if not it will be recursively created.


ensure-directory "build/coverage/"

include <file-path>

Sources file-path, where file-path is relative to $PWD or the include path as set by set-include-path.


include "common/libs.bash"

set-include-path <path>

Sets the path that is used as a base for the include function.


set-include-path "$(npm prefix)/scripts/"

get-project-root <project-type>

Prints the root of the project for the given project type.

Supported project types:

  • node : Looks up from current directory for package.json

If the project root cannot be found, nothing will be printed and false will be returned.

If an invalid project-type is provided the script will exit with EXIT_CODE_INVALID_STATE.


project_root="$(get-project-root node)"

load-environment-file <filepath>

Loads an environment file of key value pairs without over writting existing values. The format of the environment variable files follows "section 3.2.2. Creating variables".


load-environment-file .env

process-run <command> <name> <working-directory> [<process-arguments>...]

Safely starts the provided command with a unique provided name from the given working-directory. Additional arguments can be provided as process-arguments. The process will be started with a pid file generated allowing it to be killed at a later time. The pid-file will be created in working-directory with a file name of <name>.pid.


process-run "node" "server-$PORT" "$PWD" "process-file.js" "file.csv"

shutdown-process <pid-file>

Kill the process references in the provided pid-file waiting for it to properly exit. The pid-file is generally created with the process-run function.


shutdown "build/server-$"

yn <value>

Parses the provided value and does a case-insensitive comparision against y, yes, true and 1 and returns true if there is a match, else a false is returned.


yn "yes" # returns true
yn "no"  # returns false


Initializes the build scripts as a node project. This will add the node_modules bin directory to the path and change into the node project root.

Error Codes

Name Description Value
EXIT_CODE_INCLUDE_ERROR Error including a file 20
EXIT_CODE_INVALID_STATE Invalid script state 21


This project is released under the ISC license. See LICENSE.