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Spork.js is a collection of small functions that for some reason aren't standard js features yet.


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Spork.js is a collection of small functions.


Via yarn/npm: Install the package from the registry:

npm install --save-dev @mitsunee/spork
# or
yarn add -D @mitsunee/spork

Spork contains separate packages for the module and browser version. If you are using Spork in a browser please specify this during the import. Both require and ES6 import are supported.

Import the package:

// All modules
import Spork from "@mitsunee/spork"; // for node script modules
import Spork from "@mitsunee/spork/browser"; // for in-browser use

// or specific module(s)
import { range, clamp } from "@mitsunee/spork"; // for node script modules
import { range, clamp } from "@mitsunee/spork/browser"; // for in-browser use

For Browsers: If you are not using npm/yarn you can also download the latest spork-{version}.js or spork-{version}.min.js from ./browser and include it manually.

<script src="spork-{version}.min.js"></script>


Spork offers the following Modules:



Equivalent to what Math.clamp will hopefully one day be Returns the best possible value between a value, minimum and maximum

clamp(value: Number, min: Number, max: Number): (Number|Boolean)
  • Number value - The value to be clamped
  • Number min - The minimum value to be returned
  • Number max - The maximum value to be returned

Returns: Number (or false for invalid arguments)



Generates an Array with all Numbers in a specified range

range(start: Number [, stop: Number [, step: Number [, maxLength: Number]]]): Array
  • Number start - Start value. If this is the only argument this is length instead and the start value will be 0.
  • Number stop (optional, see above) - stop value
  • Number step (optional, default: 1) - steps between values
  • Number maxLength (optional) - maximum number of items in the resulting Array

To skip optional arguments please use undefined.

range(3, undefined, 0.5);
// [ 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 ]

Returns: Array (or false if no valid argument was provided)



v1.0.0+, async (Node script version requires package node-fetch)
Asynchronous wrapper function for fetch that automatically parses received json data into an object

fetchJson(url: String [, option: Mixed]): (Object|Boolean)
  • String url - the url to fetch
  • Mixed option (optional) - either:
    • Object: your custom init (note that only typeof is checked, validity is not questioned)
    • String "forceReload" for the provided forceReload header
    • Boolean false (default)

Returns: Object (potentially Array) or false if something went wrong (see error in console)



Wrapper class for setInterval


constructor: Creates new instance.

new interval(callback: Function, intervalLength: Number[, intervalLengthUnit: String])
  • Function callback - callback function to run on each interval
  • Number intervalLength - the length of each interval
  • String intervalLengthUnit (optional, default: "ms") - the unit for the length given

start: Starts the interval


Returns: Boolean - true if interval was started. Rejects with false if interval was already running.

stop: Stops the interval


Returns: Boolean - true if interval was stopped. Rejects with false if interval wasn't running.

setTime: While not running set/change the interval length

myInterval.setTime(intervalLength: Number[, intervalLengthUnit: String])
  • Number intervalLength - the length of each interval
  • String intervalLengthUnit (optional, default: "ms") - the unit for the length given

Returns: Boolean - true if new time was set. Rejects with false if interval was running.

setCallback: While not running set/change the callback function

myInterval.setCallback(callback: Function)
  • Function callback - callback function to run on each interval

Returns: Boolean - true if new callback was set. Rejects with false if interval was running.


  • startTime (Number|null): timestamp of when the interval was started. null if it's not currently running
  • running (Boolean): true if the interval is running, false if not.


Wrapper class for setTimeout


constructor: Creates new instance.

new timeout(callback: Function, timeoutLength: Number[, timeoutLengthUnit: String])
  • Function callback - callback function to run after the timeout finishes
  • Number timerLength - the length of the timeout
  • String timerLengthUnit (optional, default: "ms") - the unit for the length given

start: Starts the timeout


Returns: Boolean - true if timeout was started. Rejects with false if timeout was already running.

stop: Stops the timeout


Returns: Boolean - true if timeout was canceled. Rejects with false if timeout wasn't running.

setTime: While not running set/change the timeout length

myTimeout.setTime(timeoutLength: Number[, timeoutLengthUnit: String])
  • Number timerLength - the length of the timeout
  • String timerLengthUnit (optional, default: "ms") - the unit for the length given

Returns: Boolean - true if new time was set. Rejects with false if timeout was running.

setCallback: While not running set/change the callback function

myTimeout.setCallback(callback: Function)
  • Function callback - callback function to run after the timeout finishes

Returns: Boolean - true if new callback was set. Rejects with false if timeout was running.


  • startTime (Number|null): timestamp of when the timeout was started. null if it's not currently running
  • running (Boolean): true if the timeout is running, false if not.
Time units used by interval and timeout
  • Hours as: "h", "hr", "hrs", "hour", "hours"
  • Minutes as: "m", "min", "mins", "minute", "minutes"
  • Seconds as: "s", "sec", "secs", "second", "seconds"
  • Milliseconds as: "ms"
  • Unrecognized strings are treated as Milliseconds
log (node-only)


v1.2.0+, not available for browsers (requires package chalk)
Logs any value, objects are printed in prettified json syntax.

log(value: Any[, maxdepth: Number|false])
  • Any value - Value to log
  • Number maxdepth (optional, default: false) - maxdepth for objects/arrays. false acts like Infinity


  • 1.2.0
    • Added interval, timeout and log modules
    • (Hopefully) fixed errors related to symlinks
  • 1.1.x
    • Fixed external dependencies, moved browser builds


Spork.js is a collection of small functions that for some reason aren't standard js features yet.








No packages published