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React Google News


A simple React front end application using the Google News API.

React Google News uses a lightweight Node Express back end to reroute API queries to a React front end. It displays trending articles in a responsive card grid format and allows the user to select from several popular news websites.

Demo App

You can see a demo version of this application deployed to Cyclic here:

Application Info

The project is configured with Node Package Manager, Webpack, and Babel.

It uses webpack-merge to separate development and production builds, but keep a common, reusable configuration. It is also configured for hot reloads in the Express server, so Webpack will rebuild when changes are made.

An Express back end is used to make API requests and protect the API key. Routes are configured for a select number of news websites to query articles from. All routes can be found in the server.js file.

The application implements Bootstrap via Reactstrap. It makes front end API calls with fetch.


npm run dev - Build for development and run the Express server. Code changes will be implemented automatically through hot reloading.

npm run build - Use Webpack to build for production.

npm run start - Run the Express server via Node.

Install Instructions

Node Package Manager (NPM) is used for dependencies. To install the application locally, follow these instructions:

  1. Install Node.js. NPM comes packaged with it.
  2. Run npm install in the command line while in the project directory. It will install dependencies from the package.json file.
  3. To build for development and run the local dev server at http://localhost:5000, run npm run dev. It will run the Node/Express application in the server.js file.

In order to access the News API, you must go to the API website and sign up for an account here. Once you have an API key, configure it locally with dotenv. Create a .env file and set API_KEY="insert API key here". For production, set an environment variable manually through command line: NODE_ENV=production, API_KEY=....


This project is open source under the terms of the MIT License.