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My Portfolio

I created this portfolio to showcase my resume and a few of my projects, as well as to practice my accessibility and internationalization skills.

Why RedwoodJS?

I chose RedwoodJS because it is a full-stack framework that is built on React, GraphQL, and Prisma. It is also a Jamstack framework, which means that it is fast, secure, and scalable. I also chose RedwoodJS because it is a relatively new framework.

Honestly for this use case it's completely overkill, but I wanted to learn more about RedwoodJS and I wanted to be able to contribute to the community.

What I learned

I had never used Storybook before and I really enjoyed the development experience using it. I'm also excited for the future of RedwoodJS with the release of render modes.

I also had the opportunity to learn more about internationalization and accessibility.

Getting started


Start by installing dependencies:

yarn install

Then change into that directory and start the development server:

cd my-portfolio
yarn rw dev

Your browser should automatically open to http://localhost:8910 with the Home page of the site.

Deployed at:

PDF Renderer

The project also includes a PDF renderer to allow the download of the resume, it is located separetly in packages/render-resume due to being unable to deploy it to vercel as a serverless function (puppeteer dependency is over 50MB, which is the limit for AWS Lambda). Instead of using a serverless function, it uses AWS Elastic Beanstalk to deploy a simple Express app to AWS.