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Udagram is a simple cloud application developed alongside the Udacity Cloud Engineering Nanodegree. It allows users to register and log into a web client, post photos to the feed, and process photos using an image filtering microservice.


Setup Docker Environment

You'll need to install docker Open a new terminal within the project directory and run:

  1. Switch the folder: cd udacity-c3-deployment/docker
  2. Build the images: docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yaml build --parallel
  3. Push the images: docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yaml push
  4. Run the container: docker-compose up

Creating Infrastructure with terraform

  1. Go to your terraform/aws folder
  2. See what commands will be made to create infrastructure: terraform plan
  3. Provision the infrastructure: terraform apply
    • Say yes to confirm provisioning the infrastructure
  4. Create Terraform state file to be parsed by kubeone: terraform output -json > tf.json
  5. Install Kubernetes using configuration output from Terraform: kubeone install config.yaml --tfjson tf.json
  6. Setup KUEBCONFIG variable that will be used by kubectl commands, run this command in any terminal window that the kubectl command will be run in
    • export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/udagrambox

Setup Kubernetes environment

You will need to install the kubectl command. Open a new terminal within the project directory and run:

  1. Generate encrypted values for aws credentials, Database User Name, and Database Password using bcrypt and put the values into aws-secret.yaml and env-secret.yaml files
  2. Load secret files:
    • kubectl apply -f aws-secret.yaml
    • kubectl apply -f env-secret.yaml
  3. Load config map: kubectl apply -f env-configmap.yaml
  4. Apply Deployments:
    • kubectl apply -f backend-feed-deployment.yaml
    • kubectl apply -f frontend-deployment.yaml
    • kubectl apply -f backend-user-deployment.yaml
  5. Apply Services:
    • kubectl apply -f backend-feed-service.yaml
    • kubectl apply -f backend-user-service.yaml
    • kubectl apply -f frontend-service.yaml
  6. Deploy reverse proxy
    • kubectl apply -f reverseproxy-deployment.yaml
    • kubectl apply -f reverseproxy-service.yaml
  7. Perform port forwarding
    • kubectl port-forward service/frontend 8100:8100
    • kubectl port-forward service/reverseproxy 8080:8080

Continuous Integration / Continuous Development:

  • Travis CI is setup to monitor for updates to master branch


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