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Solution to the problems in hihoCoder

  • C++ solution
  • usage (in Ubuntu 16.04 using g++ 5.4.0)
make <problem id>
bin/<problem id>
  • Author: MoRunChang, SYSU

Problem list

Problem Id Problem Name Problem Type Status
1000 A + B Math AC
1039 字符消除 String AC
1056 补提交卡 Greedy AC
1082 The Marshtomp has seen it all beforestrings String AC
1094 Lost in the City Enumeration AC
1038 01背包 DP AC
1097 最小生成树一·Prim算法 Prim AC
1098 最小生成树二·Kruscal算法 Kruscal AC
1037 数字三角形 DP AC
1089 最短路径·二:Floyd算法 Floyd AC
1049 后序遍历 Divide and conquer AC
1399 Shortening Sequence Greedy AC
1148 February 29 Math AC
1014 Trie树 Trie AC
1043 完全背包 DP AC
1288 Font Size Binary Search AC
1066 无间道之并查集 Disjoint set AC
1081 最短路径·一 Dijkstra AC
1093 最短路径·三:SPFA算法 SPFA AC
1176 欧拉路·一 Math AC
1128 二分·二分查找 Binary Search AC
1283 hiho密码 Greedy AC
1163 博弈游戏·Nim游戏 Gaming AC
1040 矩形判断 Geometry AC
1186 Coordinates Math AC
1105 题外话·堆 Heap AC
1149 Palindrome DP AC
1152 Lucky Substrings String AC
1227 The Cats' Feeding Spots Binary Search AC
1400 Composition DP AC
1174 拓扑排序·一 Topological sorting AC
1015 KMP算法 KMP AC
1032 最长回文子串 DP AC
1135 Magic Box Math AC
1143 骨牌覆盖问题·一 Math AC
1234 Fractal Math AC
1061 Beautiful String String AC

Hiho week

  • "hiho" is a weekly series of contest we developed to help programmers improve their skills following some architecture.

  • In the several following weeks we will learn some kinds of network flow problems. This week let's learn Ford-Fulkerson, an algorithm to solve maximum flow problem.

Week Algorithm Status


  • hihoCoder太阁最新面经算法竞赛12
Problem Id Problem Name Problem Type Status
A The Lastest Time Enumeration AC
B Smallest Sub Array Sort AC
C Powers of Two Math AC
  • hihoCoder太阁最新面经算法竞赛14
Problem Id Problem Name Problem Type Status
A Bigint Multiplication Math AC
  • hihoCoder太阁最新面经算法竞赛15
Problem Id Problem Name Problem Type Status
A Boarding Passes Graph AC
B Sorting Photo Files String AC
C Circle Detect Graph AC


Study note for HihoCoder







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