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Automatic Locations Sniping Guide

ShawnHardwick edited this page Aug 3, 2016 · 3 revisions

###Scheduled Intervals


If UseGPXPathing is set to false, Sniping will execute every Pokestop.


If UseGPXPathing is set to true and GPXFile is found, Sniping will execute every second or based on the value in milliseconds for MinDelayBetweenSnipes (whichever is higher).


With this setup, PokeMobBot will rely on a seperate location feeder service called PogoLocationFeeder instead of the config. This service will run on the same machine as PokeMobBot to supply dynamic Pokemon locations from various Discord server channels for sniping.


####PokeFeeder Setup

  1. Download the newest PogoLocationFeeder release
  • Download the GUI release
  1. Unzip the PokeFeeder release
  2. Execute PogoLocationFeeder.exe

PokeMobBot Setup

  1. Open PokeMobBot's Config.json

  2. Make sure your values are set like below:

"SnipeAtPokestops": true, "SnipeIgnoreUnknownIv": false, "UseTransferIvForSnipe": false, "MinPokeballsToSnipe": 20, "MinPokeballsWhileSnipe": 5, "UseSnipeLocationServer": true, "UsePokeSnipersLocationServer": false, "SnipeLocationServer": "localhost", "SnipeLocationServerPort": 16969, "SnipeRequestTimeoutSeconds": 5,

3. Run PokeMobBot
4. If you start getting notifications about Pokemon in PogoFeeder GUI, you set it up correctly. In CLI version, no feedback is given currently due to a broken logger. If PokeMobBot attempts to snipe a Pokemon, it may not be able to due to fake locations or the Pokemon despawning.

###NOTE: All PogoLocationFeeder locations are crowd-sourced which means that they are not verified to be true. This means that the majority of locations being fed to PokeMobBot are most likely false.