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Leon Moctezuma edited this page May 3, 2017 · 1 revision


Tiled4Unity in comparation to Tiled2Unity doesn't require you to have an intermediate tool to export your TMX files into unity.

Just follow the steps:

  1. Checkout or download the github project.
  2. Copy Assets/Tiled4Unity into your project.
  3. Open Unity3d and copy at the same time your TMX,TSX and PNG files into any of your Assets directory.

Tiled4Unity has 4 importat directories inside of it, Imported, Materials, Meshes and Prefabs.

Tiled4Unity will create an XML file in imported, a material for your Mesh in Material, a Mesh with the geometry required for you map and a prefab ready to use in prefabs.

*There might be cases when you want to import obejcts from an xml file.

In this case before moving your files into the project you need to specify the xml with your objects types.

  1. Go to Tiled4Unity > Settings.

  1. Select the xml file with your objects types.

This will create a scriptable object holding your settings.

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