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CLIHelper is a simple lightweight library aimed at easing the pain of building command-line interfaces and read-eval-print loops by providing user input and argument capturing functions.

How it works

CLIHelper works by simply scanning and lexing strings in-place with the help of the C++ standard library.

At its core, CLIHelper is a lexer and uses the concept of fields (which can also be thought of as tokens)

A field is simply a substring that contains no spaces.

"plant" | a field "Literary" | another field

When a field contains a space character, it becomes two fields.

"lucid imagination" | a string containing two fields

Space characters only serve to separate fields; if one or more space characters appear at either the beginning or end of a field, CLIHelper ignores them.

" snail " "snail" | these are the same to CLIHelper

Non-alphanumeric characters are treated the same as alphanumeric characters.

"lucid + snail" | three distinct fields: "lucid" "+" "snail"

Using these concepts, you can parse user input strings like:

romdump -WHOLE -v --checksum

with no problem at all.

API at a glance

//Returns the contents of stream up to, but excluding the newline character.
std::string readInput(std::istream &stream = std::cin);

//Returns true if there are no fields in the line or false
//if the line has at least one field.
bool allFieldsEmpty(const std::string &line);

//Returns the number of fields in the line.
unsigned int fieldCount(const std::string &line);

//Returns true if the field at index matches the key,
//returns false otherwise
//    fieldCount(line) > 0
//    0 <= index < fieldCount(line)
bool fieldIs(const std::string &key, size_t index, const std::string &line);

//Returns the field at index in the line.
//    fieldCount(line) > 0
//    0 <= index < fieldCount(line)
std::string grabField(size_t index, const std::string &line);