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The classic HH squid axon membrane model based on:
Hodgkin, A.L., Huxley, A.F. (1952) A quantitative description of
membrane current and its application to conduction and
excitation in nerve. J. Physiol. 117: 500-544.

	The gif files are copies of original fig3 and fig6. Red lines are
	polylines drawn using idraw. The polylines have control points
	as near as I can place them on the circles of the data. This idraw
	file is then read into neuron using idraw.hoc for translating, scaling
	and copying into a Vector display tool.

	The raw data in the Vector display tools, and
	are in units of mS/cm2. These curves were rescaled to S/cm2 in
	the MultipleRunFitter's. The computations in the fitters differ
	from the original model curves of figure 3 and 6 because the
	original model curves are fits to the data for the specific axon
	17 whereas the curves shown in these simulations are for the
	standard hh model.

	To see the simulated curves and data from a MultipleRunFitter,
	click on any item in the "Generators" list of the main MulRunFitter
	panel to pop up a generator viewer
	(It will be called MulRunFitter[0] Generators).
	Then in the main MulRunFitter panel select "Generators/Run all".

Questions about the representation of this model in NEURON should be
directed to