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Modia Tutorial

This tutorial gives an overview of package Modia to construct component-based and equation-based models with the Modia language on a high level, symbolically transforming these models into ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations in state space form), simulating them and plotting result variables.

Note, all examples in this tutorial can be executed with

using Modia

Modeling of 3D components (= multibody systems) is explained in the Modia3D Tutorial

!!! info Modia is based on SignalTables that has an interface to various plot packages. A plot package can be either selected by setting ENV["SignalTablesPlotPackage"] = XXX, for example in the config/startup.jl file of Julia, or by command usePlotPackage(XXX). Possible values for XXX: - "PyPlot" (plots with Matplotlib from Python), - "GLMakie" (interactive plots in an OpenGL window), - "WGLMakie" (interactive plots in a browser window), - "CairoMakie" (static plots on file with publication quality), or - "SilentNoPlot" (= NoPlot without messages).