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236 lines (184 loc) · 11.4 KB


This section summarizes some techniques to determine timing and memory allocation measures for Modia3D. The various approaches are demonstrated with models from directory Modia3D/test/Profiling.


The simplest technique is to put @time in front of the statement that should be measured, such as:

# File Modia3D/test/Profiling/BouncingSphere_time.jl

module BouncingSphereSimulation_time

@time begin BouncingSphere = Model3D(

@time bouncingSphere = @instantiateModel(...)
@time simulate!(bouncingSphere,...)
@time plot(bouncingSphere, ...)

This gives the following output:

  0.000116 seconds (199 allocations: 12.344 KiB)

Instantiating model Main.BouncingSphereSimulation.BouncingSphere
  1.106054 seconds (2.40 M allocations: 150.386 MiB, 3.92% gc time, 62.47% compilation time)
  0.322050 seconds (579.29 k allocations: 32.774 MiB, 5.81% compilation time)
  0.077613 seconds (1.74 k allocations: 97.844 KiB)

The second line

  1.106054 seconds (2.40 M allocations: 150.386 MiB, 3.92% gc time, 62.47% compilation time)

means the following:

  • The total time spent in this statement was 1.106054 seconds

    • 62.47% of this time was used to compile Julia code.
    • 3.92% of this time was used by the garbage collector, so was used to find and remove allocated memory that is no longer in use.
  • There have been 2.5 million allocations of memory. In total 150.386 Mega-Bytes have been allocated.

If a @time output contains gc time and/or compilation time it might be useful to just re-run the file, in order that the total time better reflects the execution time. In a second run compilation time should no longer be present.

Modia3D must allocate memory at the beginning of a simulate!(..) run for its internal data structure. After initialization, no memory should be allocated. However, with the @time macro it is not possible to figure out whether this is the case. Use instead option logTiming=true, see next section.


Function simulate!(..., logTiming=true, ...) has keyword argument logTiming. When set to true, the result of the @timeit macro of the TimerOutputs package is shown. Function simulate!(..) and Modia3D are instrumented with this timer. Example:

# File Modia3D/test/Profiling/Mobile.jl

module MobileWithLogTiming
const enableVisualization = false
const tolerance = 1e-4
@time mobile = @instantiateModel(..., logExecution=true, ...)
@time simulate!(mobile, ...)
@time simulate!(mobile, log=true, logTiming=true, ...)

The @time macro should be used for @instantiateModel and simulate! in order to get information, whether allocation of storage is due to compilation and/or garbage collection. If the second simulate!(..) shows such allocation, the profiling run should be repeated.

@instantiateModel should have flag logExecution=true, in order that the generated function getDerivatives!(..) is called twice to force compilation of this function.

The logTiming=true flag generates the following output in this case:

Instantiating model Main.MobileWithLogTiming.Mobile

Execute getDerivatives
First executions of getDerivatives
  1.363270 seconds (548.47 k allocations: 45.652 MiB, 2.47% gc time, 99.56% compilation time)
  0.002773 seconds (18.82 k allocations: 1.157 MiB)
  2.540190 seconds (7.17 M allocations: 264.371 MiB, 2.62% gc time, 53.43% compilation time)
... first simulation:
  8.341341 seconds (37.34 M allocations: 2.236 GiB, 3.36% gc time)
... second simulation:
... Simulate model Mobile
      Initialization at time = 0.0 s
      Termination of Mobile at time = 5.0 s
        cpuTime         = 11.7 s
        allocated       = 2290.0 MiB
        algorithm       = CVODE_BDF
        FloatType       = Float64
        interval        = 0.01 s
        tolerance       = 0.0001 (relative tolerance)
        nStates         = 188
        nResults        = 501
        nGetDerivatives = 1968 (total number of getDerivatives! calls)
        nf              = 1465 (number of getDerivatives! calls from integrator)
        nZeroCrossings  = 0 (number of getDerivatives! calls for zero crossing detection)
        nJac            = 6 (number of Jacobian computations)
        nAcceptedSteps  = 281
        nRejectedSteps  = 3
        nErrTestFails   = 3
        nTimeEvents     = 0
        nStateEvents    = 0
        nRestartEvents  = 0

... Timings for simulation of Mobile:
                                                       Time                   Allocations
                                               ──────────────────────   ───────────────────────
               Tot / % measured:                    11.8s / 99.0%           2.24GiB / 100%

 Section                               ncalls     time   %tot     avg     alloc   %tot      avg
 simulate!                                  1    11.7s   100%   11.7s   2.24GiB  100%   2.24GiB
 solve                                      1    11.7s   100%   11.7s   2.23GiB  100%   2.23GiB
 getDerivatives!                        1.97k    11.7s   100%  5.93ms   2.24GiB  100%   1.16MiB
 LinearEquationsIteration               1.97k    11.6s  99.3%  5.91ms   2.22GiB  99.4%  1.16MiB
 luA ldiv!                              1.97k    4.65s  39.7%  2.36ms   1.68MiB  0.07%     896B
 Modia3D                                 189k    3.56s  30.4%  18.8μs    905KiB  0.04%    4.90B
 Modia3D_2                               185k    2.57s  22.0%  13.9μs   5.16KiB  0.00%    0.03B
 Modia3D_2 computeForcesAndResiduals     185k    638ms  5.45%  3.45μs     0.00B  0.00%    0.00B
 Modia3D_2 computeKinematics!            185k    566ms  4.83%  3.06μs     0.00B  0.00%    0.00B
 Modia3D_1                              1.97k   50.3ms  0.43%  25.6μs   5.16KiB  0.00%    2.68B
 Modia3D_1 computeKinematics!           1.97k   22.4ms  0.19%  11.4μs     0.00B  0.00%    0.00B
 init!                                      1   9.46ms  0.08%  9.46ms   2.03MiB  0.09%  2.03MiB
 Modia3D_1 computeForcesAndResiduals    1.97k   8.00ms  0.07%  4.07μs     0.00B  0.00%    0.00B
 Modia3D_3                              1.97k    584μs  0.00%   297ns     0.00B  0.00%    0.00B
 ODEProblem                                 1   38.2μs  0.00%  38.2μs   2.58KiB  0.00%  2.58KiB
 Modia3D_4 isTerminal                       1    400ns  0.00%   400ns     0.00B  0.00%    0.00B
 11.999957 seconds (37.34 M allocations: 2.237 GiB, 2.67% gc time)

The meaning of the first lines

First executions of getDerivatives
  1.363270 seconds (548.47 k allocations: 45.652 MiB, 2.47% gc time, 99.56% compilation time)
  0.002773 seconds (18.82 k allocations: 1.157 MiB)
  2.540190 seconds (7.17 M allocations: 264.371 MiB, 2.62% gc time, 53.43% compilation time)

is the following:

  1. 1.363270 seconds is the time for the first evaluation of getDerivatives!. This time is nearly completely used for compilation of this function

  2. 0.002773 seconds is the time for the second evaluation of getDerivatives!. This time is nearly irrelevant for the timing of @instantiateModel.

  3. 2.540190 seconds is the total time spent in @instantiateModel, including the two calls of getDerivatives!. This time, together with (1.) shows the following:

    • 0.47*2.5 = 1.1 seconds are used to process the model, generate getDerivatives! and process getDerivatives! twice.
    • 0.53*2.5 = 1.32 seconds are used to compile getDerivatives!.

The meaning of column Section is the following:

@timeit instrumentation of simulate!(..)

Column Section Description
simulate! Time of simulate!(..), but without log outputs.
init! Time of init!(..), so model initialization.
ODEProblem Time of DifferentialEquations.ODEProblem(..), so setup of problem.
solve Time of DifferentialEquations.solve(..), so after init!(..).
getDerivatives! Time of getDerivatives!(..).
LinearEquationsIteration Time to build and solve linear equation systems inside getDerivatives!(..)
luA ldiv! Time to solve A*x=b with luA and ldiv! inside LinearEquationsIteration

@timeit instrumentation of Modia3D

Column Section Description
Modia3D Total time spent in Modia3D functions.
Modia3D_0 initializeVisualization Time to initialize visualization (during init!(..)).
Modia3D_1 Time of leq_mode == 0 (= compute h(q,qd,gravity)).
Modia3D_1 computeKinematics! Time to compute position, velocity, acceleration with qdd=0.
Modia3D_1 selectContactPairsWithEvent! Time to call selectContactPairsWithEvent! (collision handling).
Modia3D_1 selectContactPairsNoEvent! Time to call selectContactPairsNoEvent! (collision handling).
Modia3D_1 getDistances! Time to call getDistances! (collision handling).
Modia3D_1 dealWithContacts! Time to call dealWithContacts! (collision handling).
Modia3D_1 computeForcesAndResiduals Time to compute forces/torques/residuals (without collision).
Modia3D_2 Time of leq_mode > 0 (= compute M(q)*qdd, for unit vectors of qdd).
Modia3D_2 computeKinematics! Time to compute accelerations with qdd = unit vector.
Modia3D_2 computeForcesAndResiduals Time to compute forces/torques/residuals for M(q)*qdd.
Modia3D_3 Time of leq_mode == -1.
Modia3D_3 visualize! Time of for obj in visualObject3Ds ... visualize(..).
Modia3D_3 exportAnimation Time of for obj in visualObject3Ds ... push!(objectData, dat)
Modia3D_4 isTerminal Time of exportAnimation and closeVisualization during termination.

How to instrument with @timeit

Further functions in Modia3D can be instrumented in the following way:

The timer of TimerOutputs is available as instantiatedModel.timer. Therefore, instrumenting a function call is done with:

TimerOutputs.@timeit instantiatedModel.timer "Modia3D XXX" functionCall(...)


TimerOutputs.@timeit instantiatedModel.timer "Modia3D XXX" begin