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Toffee Store

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This document describes the initial requirements of the Toffee project, which is being developed during CS251: Introduction to Software Engineering at the Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Cairo University in winter 2023. The project consists of three assignments and aims to create an online store for selling sweets like candy, chocolate, toffee, and others. The client, represented by Dr. Mohammad El-Ramly and the TA, has hired the CS251 Company to develop their e-commerce website.

Product Owner

The product owner for the Toffee project is Dr. Mohammad El-Ramly and the TAs. The goal of the project is to support the client's business, increase profit, and provide a competitive advantage by developing a system that meets their needs.

Customer Description

Sara Tamer and Maya Ayman have a business selling sweets, and they want to expand by creating an online store for their goods. They have hired the CS251 Company to develop an e-commerce website for their business. The website will feature a catalog of goods that customers can order. Customers will have the option to pay upon delivery or use payment methods such as smart wallets.

User Registration and Login

  • Customers can register and create an account by providing a valid email, password, and address.
  • Registration requires an OTP (One-Time Password) to be sent to the provided email address for verification.
  • Only registered and logged-in users can make purchases.


  • The website will have a catalog of sweets, including candy, chocolate, toffee, and other items.
  • Customers can view all items in the catalog or filter items by category, name, or brand.

Shopping Cart

  • Logged-in users can add items to their shopping cart and proceed to checkout.

Payment Options

  • Customers can choose to pay upon delivery or use payment methods such as smart wallets. (only delivery is now implemented)
  • Customers can also use gift vouchers during checkout to reduce the total price. (To Be Implemented)

Admin Dashboard

  • An admin user will have access to a dedicated web application to manage the system. (To Be Implemented)
  • The admin can update the catalog with new items, cancel items, update item information, view orders, set up loyalty points schemes, suspend user accounts, and access statistics. (To Be Implemented)

Loyalty Points

  • Customers will earn loyalty points for each order, which can be redeemed to pay for future orders.


  • The admin can view various statistics, such as daily and monthly sales, sales of each item within a specific period, and popular products. (To Be Implemented)


Contributions to the Toffee project are welcome. If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix: git checkout -b my-new-feature.
  3. Make changes and add them: git add .
  4. Commit your changes: git commit -m "Add some feature".
  5. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature.
  6. Submit a pull request.

Please make sure to follow the code style and conventions used in the project.

Team members

Name ID Email Linked-In
Mohamed Essam Mahmoud Osman 20210346 mohamed-essam71
Maya Ayman Zain El-Din 20210508 MayaZayn
Rawan AbdelRahman Younis Mohamed 20210524 Rawan-Younis


A software engineering assignment






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