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Core Auth Package

This package is responsible for handling all authentication models and channels in the system.


composer require raid/core-auth


php artisan core:publish-auth


class AuthController extends Controller
     * Invoke the controller method.
    public function __invoke(Request $request, SystemAuthChannel $authChannel): JsonResponse
        $credentials = $request->only([
            'email', 'phone', 'username', 'password',

        $authChannel = $authChannel->authenticate(new User(), $credentials);

        // or using static call
        $authChannel = SystemAuthChannel::auth(User::class, $credentials);

        // or using facade
        $authChannel = Authentication::authenticate(new User(), $credentials);

        return response()->json([
            'channel' => $authChannel->channel(),
            'token' => $authChannel->stringToken(),
            'errors' => $authChannel->errors()->toArray(),
            'resource' => $authChannel->account(),

How to work this

The authentication process is divided into two parts.

The first part is the authenticatable class, and the second part is the auth channel.

The Authenticatable class is the class that will be authenticated, and it must implement AuthenticatableInterface interface.

The AuthChannel class is the class that will handle the authentication process, and it must implement AuthChannelInterface interface.

The AuthChannel uses the Authenticatable class to query the account using the given credentials.

The Authenticatable class must define getAccount method to query the account, and return an instance of AccountInterface interface.

The Authenticatable class can be the same or different from the AccountInterface class, but it must query the account and return an instance of AccountInterface interface if found.

Let's start with our AccountInterface class ex:User model, we can use this command to create an account model.

php artisan core:make-auth-model User

namespace App\Models;

use Raid\Core\Auth\Models\Authentication\Contracts\AccountInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Models\Authentication\Account;

class User extends Account implements AccountInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected $fillable = [];

The Model class must implement AccountInterface interface.

The Model class must extend Account class.

Now the User model class is ready to use as an account model.

Let's configure our Model class to work as Authenticatable class also.


namespace App\Models;

use Raid\Core\Auth\Models\Authentication\Contracts\AuthenticatableInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Models\Authentication\Contracts\AccountInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Models\Authentication\Account;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Traits\Model\Authenticatable;

class User extends Account implements AccountInterface, AuthenticatableInterface
    use Authenticatable;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected $fillable = [];

Auth Channels and Workers

Great, now we have to take a look at our authentication channels and workers in config/authentication.php file.

'channel_workers' => [
    // here we define our auth channels.
    SystemAuthChannel::CHANNEL => [
        // here we define our auth workers.

The channel_workers array is responsible for defining the auth channels and their workers. and we can add our custom channels and workers.

The AuthChannel is responsible for handling the authentication process.

Each auth channel has its own workers, and each auth worker has its own authentication name/worker.

When we call AuthChannel authenticate method, it will call the matched auth worker with the given credentials.

We can add a custom auth worker to use it with the SystemAuthChannel channel or any other auth channel.

Auth Workers

you can use this command to create a new auth worker.

php artisan core:make-auth-worker UsernameAuthWorker

namespace App\Http\Authentication\Workers;

use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthWorkerInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\AuthWorker;

class UsernameAuthWorker extends AuthWorker implements AuthWorkerInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public const WORKER = '';

The AuthWorker class must implement AuthWorkerInterface interface.

The AuthWorker class must extend AuthWorker class.

The WORKER constant is responsible for defining the auth worker name.

The WORKER constant is used to match the auth worker with the given credentials.

The WORKER constant is used to define the authenticatable query column, to override using same key for credentials and query, define the QUERY_COLUMN constant.


namespace App\Http\Authentication\Workers;

use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthWorkerInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\AuthWorker;

class UsernameAuthWorker extends AuthWorker implements AuthWorkerInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public const WORKER = 'username';
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public const QUERY_COLUMN = 'user_name';

The QUERY_COLUMN constant is used to define the authenticatable query column.

We need to define the new auth worker in config/authentication.php file, to skip using config file, we can use the workers method in the AuthChannel class to define its workers.

'manager_workers' => [
    // here we define our auth managers.
    SystemAuthChannel::CHANNEL => [
        // here we define our auth workers.

Now let's try our new auth worker.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Channels\SystemAuthChannel;

class AuthController extends Controller
     * Invoke the controller method.
    public function __invoke(Request $request, SystemAuthChannel $authChannel): JsonResponse
        $credentials = $request->only([
            'username', 'password',

        $authChannel = $authChannel->authenticate(new User(), $credentials);

        return response()->json([
            'channel' => $authChannel->channel(),
            'token' => $authChannel->stringToken(),
            'errors' => $authChannel->errors()->toArray(),
            'resource' => $authChannel->account(),

The SystemAuthChannel authenticate method accepts two parameters.

The first parameter is the authenticatable class instance.

The second parameter is the credentials array.

The SystemAuthChannel authenticate method returns the AuthChannel class instance.

The AuthChannel class instance uses the credentials array to match with auth worker.

The AuthChannel class instance used the matched worker to query the authenticatable class to find the matched account.

The AuthChannel class apply its own authentication rules after finding the account.

The Authenticatable class instance must work with query builder to find the account.

Under the hood, the AuthWorker class calls getAccount method in the Authenticatable class instance.

The returned account must be an instance of AccountInterface interface.

After finding the account, and apply the AuthChannel rules, you can apply authentication rules on the account itself using isAuthenticated method.


namespace App\Models;

use Raid\Core\Auth\Exceptions\Authentication\AuthenticationException;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Models\Authentication\Contracts\AuthenticatableInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Models\Authentication\Contracts\AccountInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Models\Authentication\Account;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Traits\Model\Authenticatable;

class User extends Account implements AccountInterface, AuthenticatableInterface
    use Authenticatable;
     * Check if an account is active to authenticated.
     * Throw Authentication exception if failed to authenticate.
    public function isAuthenticated(): void
        if ($this->isBanned()) {
            throw new AuthenticationException(__('User is banned.'));
     * Determine if user is banned.
    public function isBanned(): bool
        return $this->attribute('is_banned', false);

The isAuthenticated method is responsible for checking if the account is authenticated or not.

The isAuthenticated method should throw an exception if the account is not authenticated.

The AuthenticationException will not be thrown in the system, but the errors can be called with the errors method in the AuthChannel instance.

The errors method will return an Raid\Core\Model\Errors\Errors instance.

Remember, any other exception but AuthenticationException will be thrown in the system.


You can work with the errors method as a Illuminate\Support\MessageBag instance, and you can get your errors with different methods.

$authChannel = $authChannel->authenticate(new User(), $credentials);

$errorsAsArray = $authChannel->errors()->toArray();
$errorsAsJson = $authChannel->errors()->toJson();

$allErrors = $authChannel->errors()->all();

$errorsByKey = $authChannel->errors()->get('error');

$firstError = $authChannel->errors()->first();
$firstErrorByKey = $authChannel->errors()->first('error');

$lastError = $authChannel->errors()->last();
$lastErrorByKey = $authChannel->errors()->last('error');

The errors method returns an Raid\Core\Model\Errors\Errors class instance.

The toArray method returns an array of errors.

The toJson method returns a json string of errors.

The all method returns all errors as an array.

The get method returns an array of errors for the given key.

The first method returns the first error, or the first error for the given key.

The last method returns the last error, or the last error for the given key.

You can work with errors method again in the AuthChannel class.

Auth Channels

You can create your own auth channel using this command.

php artisan core:make-auth-channel OtpAuthChannel

namespace App\Http\Authentication\Channels;

use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthChannelInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\AuthChannel;

class OtpAuthChannel extends AuthChannel implements AuthChannelInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public const CHANNEL = '';

The AuthChannel class must implement AuthChannelInterface interface.

The AuthChannel class must extend AuthChannel class.

The CHANNEL constant is responsible for defining the authentication channel name.

The auth channel is the main class that handles the authentication process, and it defines his own authentication workers, rules and steps.


namespace App\Http\Authentication\Channels;

use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthChannelInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\AuthChannel;

class OtpAuthChannel extends AuthChannel implements AuthChannelInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public const CHANNEL = 'otp';

     * Get authentication workers.
    public function workers(): array
        return [];
     * Get authentication rules.
    public function rules(): array
        return [];
     * Get authentication steps.
    public function steps(): array
        return [];

The workers method is responsible for defining the AuthChannel authentication workers.

The workers method should return an array of authentication workers.

The rules method is responsible for defining the AuthChannel authentication rules.

The rules method should return an array of authentication rules.

The steps method is responsible for defining the AuthChannel authentication steps.

The steps method should return an array of authentication steps.

The rules run before the steps.

After running the AuthChannel authentication steps, the authentication process will be stopped, and the AuthChannel will return the AuthChannel instance.

We can skip using authentication rules and steps by returning an empty array.

Auth Rules

you can use this command to create a new auth rule.

php artisan core:make-auth-rule VerifiedPhoneAuthRule

namespace App\Http\Authentication\Rules;

use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthChannelInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthRuleInterface;

class VerifiedPhoneAuthRule implements AuthRuleInterface
     * Run an authentication ruler.
    public function rule(AuthChannelInterface $authChannel): bool

The AuthRule class must implement AuthRuleInterface interface.

The rule method is responsible for running the authentication rule.

The rule method should return a boolean value.

The rule method should return true if the authentication rule passed,

The rule method should add errors to AuthChannel and return false if the authentication rule failed.


namespace App\Http\Authentication\Rules;

use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthChannelInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthRuleInterface;

class VerifiedPhoneAuthRule implements AuthRuleInterface
     * Run an authentication rule.
    public function rule(AuthChannelInterface $authChannel): bool
        if ($authChannel->account()->verifiedPhone()) {
            return true;

        $authChannel->errors()->add('error', __('Phone number is not verified.'));

        return false;

We need to define the new auth rule in AuthChannel class.


namespace App\Http\Authentication\Channels;

use App\Http\Authentication\Rules\VerifiedPhoneAuthRule;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthChannelInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\AuthChannel;

class OtpAuthChannel extends AuthChannel implements AuthChannelInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public const CHANNEL = 'otp';

     * Get authentication rules.
    public function rules(): array
        return [

The AuthChannel class instance will stop the authentication process if the authentication rule failed.

Auth Steps

you can use this command to create a new auth step.

php artisan core:make-auth-step OtpAuthStep

namespace App\Http\Authentication\Steps;

use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthChannelInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthStepInterface;

class OtpAuthStep implements AuthStepInterface
     * Run an authentication step.
    public function step(AuthChannelInterface $authChannel): void

The AuthStep class must implement AuthStepInterface interface.

The step method is responsible for running the authentication step.

The step method should add errors to AuthChannel if the authentication step failed.


namespace App\Http\Authentication\Steps;

use App\Services\OtpService;
use Exception;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthChannelInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthStepInterface;

class OtpAuthStep implements AuthStepInterface
     * Otp service.
    protected OtpService $otpService;

     * Otp service.
    public function __construct(OtpService $otpService)
        $this->otpService = $otpService;

     * Run an authentication step.
    public function step(AuthChannelInterface $authChannel): void
        try {
        } catch (Exception $exception) {
            $authChannel->errors()->add('error', $exception->getMessage());

We need to define the new auth step in AuthChannel class.


namespace App\Http\Authentication\Channels;

use App\Http\Authentication\Steps\OtpAuthStep;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthChannelInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\AuthChannel;

class OtpAuthChannel extends AuthChannel implements LoginProviderInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public const CHANNEL = 'otp';

     * Get authentication steps.
    public function steps(): array
        return [

We can run our authentication step.

The AuthChannel class instance will stop the authentication process after running all authentication steps.


You can create your own authenticator using this command.

php artisan core:make-auth-authenticator UserAuthenticator

namespace App\Http\Authentication\Authenticators;

use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthenticatorInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Authenticator;

class UserAuthenticator extends Authenticator implements AuthenticatorInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public const AUTHENTICATOR = '';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public const AUTHENTICATABLE = '';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public const CHANNELS = [];

The Authenticator class must implement AuthenticatorInterface interface.

The Authenticator class must extend Authenticator class.

The AUTHENTICATOR constant is responsible for defining the authenticator name.

The AUTHENTICATABLE constant is responsible for defining the authenticatable class name.

The CHANNELS constant is responsible for defining the authenticator channels.

The CHANNELS constant should return an array of authenticator channels.


namespace App\Http\Authentication\Authenticators;

use App\Http\Authentication\Channels\OtpAuthChannel;
use App\Models\User;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Channels\SystemAuthChannel;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Contracts\AuthenticatorInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Authentication\Authenticator;

class UserAuthenticator extends Authenticator implements AuthenticatorInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public const AUTHENTICATOR = 'user';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public const AUTHENTICATABLE = User::class;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public const CHANNELS = [

The Authenticator class instance is responsible for handling the authentication with different channels.

We can define our authenticator with two ways:

First in config/authentication.php file.

'authenticators' => [
    User::class => UserAuthenticator::class,

or define getAuthenticator method in the Authenticatable class.


namespace App\Models;

use Raid\Core\Auth\Models\Authentication\Contracts\AuthenticatableInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Models\Authentication\Contracts\AccountInterface;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Models\Authentication\Account;
use Raid\Core\Auth\Traits\Model\Authenticatable;
use App\Http\Authentication\Authenticators\UserAuthenticator;

class User extends Account implements AccountInterface, AuthenticatableInterface
    use Authenticatable;

     * Get authenticator class name.
    public function getAuthenticator(): string
        return UserAuthenticator::class;

Now let's try our new authenticator.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Authentication\Authenticators\UserAuthenticator;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class AuthController extends Controller
     * Invoke the controller method.
    public function __invoke(Request $request): JsonResponse
        $credentials = $request->only([
            'username', 'password',

        $authManager = UserAuthenticator::attempt($credentials, 'otp');
        // or use authenticatable static call
        $authManager = User::attempt($credentials, 'otp');

        return response()->json([
            'channel' => $authChannel->channel(),
            'token' => $authChannel->stringToken(),
            'errors' => $authChannel->errors()->toArray(),
            'resource' => $authChannel->account(),

The Authenticator class instance is responsible for finding the matched authenticatable channel.

You can skip passing the channel name to use the default channel.

Authentication Facade

You can define a default authentication channel, and use the Raid\Core\Auth\Facades\Authentication facade to process the authentication.

Define the default authentication channel in config/authentication.php file.

'default_channel' => \App\Http\Authentication\Channels\OtpAuthChannel::class,
namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Raid\Core\Auth\Facades\Authentication;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class AuthController extends Controller
     * Invoke the controller method.
    public function __invoke(Request $request): JsonResponse
        $credentials = $request->only([
            'username', 'password',

        $authChannel = Authentication::authenticate(new User(), $credentials);

        return response()->json([
            'channel' => $authChannel->channel(),
            'token' => $authChannel->stringToken(),
            'errors' => $authChannel->errors()->toArray(),
            'resource' => $authChannel->account(),

The Authentication facade is responsible for handling the authentication process.

The Authentication facade uses the default_channel from the config/authentication.php file.

And that's it.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.



If you discover any security-related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.

About Raid

Raid is a PHP framework created by Mohamed Khedr, and it is maintained by Mohamed Khedr.

Support Raid

Raid is an MIT-licensed open-source project. It's an independent project with its ongoing development made possible.


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