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NM Media Real Time Chat Application using Codeigniter4 and

NM Media Real Time Chat Application using Codeigniter4 and

How To Run:

  • Install Docker and Docker compose
  • Clone the project
  • copy env to .env and put it in the same folder
  • Open the project folder from terminal

Now From Terminal run the following:

  1. docker compose up -d --build
  2. docker compose run --rm composer install
  3. docker compose run --rm spark migrate --all
  4. docker compose run --rm spark db:seed DatabaseSeeder
  5. docker compose exec php php ./public/index.php Websocket Websocket index
  6. Important Note:
  • For linux/ubuntu users you must run this too chmod -R 777 ./writable/
  1. You can access this link: http://localhost:8080/

Now every thing is ready, there is three clients accounts:

  1. email: client1@chat.realtime, password: Aa112233
  2. email: client2@chat.realtime, password: Aa112233
  3. email: client3@chat.realtime, password: Aa112233
  • Note: you can register your own email but you have to verify it.


  • Docker Compose

    • UP
      docker compose up -d 
    • Down
      docker compose down
    • Build
      docker compose up -d --build
    • Update
      docker compose run --rm composer update
    • Migrate
      docker compose run --rm spark migrate --all
    • Run Websocket service
      docker compose exec php php ./public/index.php Websocket Websocket index
  • SQL init

    CREATE USER 'homestead'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'homestead'@'%';