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Captura de pantalla 2022-07-29 144758

Release 1.0.1 -> Download From MediaFire =>

What is igtk?

A specific program for each game designed to manipulate its graphics beyond the limits imposed by the game itself.

All for the benefit of low-resource gamers (no graphics cards or low RAM), so I can assure you that igtk will allow you to run all available games at 60fps.

Igtk It's a miracle?!

Yes it's up to you, well it only modifies the files that your own game brings (Journey.cfg in this case), igtk doesn't install any additional software, it's just a legitimate editor of real-time game properties. If the specific game does not offer such an opportunity, it will be totally impossible, but not for me! :]

Your participation is welcome

You can request an igtk for any game, all requests are welcome!

The next igtk will be... Vote now! The amount with the most votes will be igtkado in the next 1.5 days!

You don't want to vote, you want to decide! , Then submit your favorite game Here (suggesting an additional answer) and it will be igtkado in the next 2 days.

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