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SwiftyUIX is a powerful and versatile library for iOS and macOS developers that provides a collection of useful extensions and pre-defined views. With SwiftyUIX, you can enhance your development workflow, improve code readability, and accelerate app development by leveraging its handy utilities.



To integrate SwiftyUIX into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftyUIX'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

Swift Package Manager (SPM)

You can also use Swift Package Manager to add SwiftyUIX to your project. In Xcode, go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency... and enter the URL of this repository:

Follow the prompts to complete the installation.




The BlurView is a SwiftUI view that creates a visual blur effect, primarily designed for iOS.


  • Visual Blur Effect: BlurView is a UIViewRepresentable that wraps a UIVisualEffectView to apply a blur effect to its content based on the specified UIBlurEffect.Style.
  • Customizable Style: You can customize the blur effect by providing a different UIBlurEffect.Style during initialization. The default style is .systemChromeMaterial, representing the standard system blur appearance.

Usage Example

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            // Your content here...
            // Apply a blur effect to the content
            BlurView(style: .systemUltraThinMaterial)


  • iOS 13.0 or later

The HTMLWebView is a SwiftUI view that displays a WKWebView with HTML content from a specified file path.


  • Load HTML Content: HTMLWebView is a UIViewRepresentable that loads and displays HTML content from a given file path in a WKWebView.
  • Transparent Background: The WKWebView and its scroll view have a transparent background, allowing seamless integration with other SwiftUI views.
  • Optional Scroll Event Handling: You can optionally receive scroll events from the web view's scroll view through the scrollViewDidScroll closure parameter.

Usage Example

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            // Your other SwiftUI views here...
            // Display the HTML content from a specified file path
            HTMLWebView(filePath: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "sample", ofType: "html"))
                .frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: .infinity)


  • iOS 13.0 or later for HTMLWebView on iOS.
  • macOS 11.0 or later for HTMLWebView on macOS.

The TransparentBackground is a SwiftUI UIViewRepresentable that makes the background transparent for a presented sheet or fullscreen cover, primarily designed for iOS.

Usage Caution

Setting the background color of the superview's superview directly (as done in this struct) might have unintended side effects and may not be reliable across all SwiftUI versions or implementations. It's essential to thoroughly test this code and consider potential edge cases before using it in production.

Usage Example

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var isSheetPresented = false
    var body: some View {
        Button("Present Sheet") {
        .sheet(isPresented: $isSheetPresented, content: {
            // Your sheet content here...
                  .background(TransparentBackground())   // Apply the transparent background to the presented sheet


  • iOS 13.0 or later


swiftui Views Extensions
  1. Device Dimensions

    • screenWidth: Retrieves the width of the device screen in CGFloat.
    • screenHeight: Retrieves the height of the device screen in CGFloat.
    • topSafeAreaHeight: Retrieves the height of the top safe area (notch, if applicable) in CGFloat.
    • bottomSafeAreaHeight: Retrieves the height of the bottom safe area in CGFloat.
  2. Screen Corner Radius

    • screenCornerRadius(minimum:): Calculates and returns the corner radius of the device's display. Optional minimum value can be set.
  3. Home Indicator

    • hideHomeIndicator(): Hides the home indicator on devices running iOS 16.0 or later. Compatibility handled for earlier iOS versions.
  4. Haptic Feedback

    • playHapticFeedback(_:): Plays haptic feedback using the specified feedbackType.
  5. View Frame Manipulation

    • fullframe(alignment:): Makes a view occupy the full parent's space with optional alignment.
    • fullWidth(height:alignment:): Sets the frame with full available width and optional height.
    • fullHeight(width:alignment:): Sets the frame with full available height and optional width.
    • squareFrame(size:alignment:): Creates a square frame for views with a specified size and alignment.
  6. Safe Area Ignoring

    • ignoreSafeArea_C(): Ignores the safe area insets of the device on iOS 14 and above.
  7. View Masking

    • cornerRadius(_:): Adds a continuous corner radius to the view.
  8. Scroll Position Detection

    • getScrollPosition(key:handler:): Detects the scroll position of a view and calls the handler with the offset.
  9. System Icon Image View

  • systemImage(_:): Creates an image view with a system icon.
  1. View Border
    • border(lineWidth:cornerRadius:color:): Adds a border to the view with specified line width, corner radius, and color.
SwiftUI Image Extensions

A set of helpful SwiftUI extensions to manipulate image views easily.


  1. Square Frame with Aspect Ratio

    • squareFrameWithApectRatio(value:contentMode:): Resizes the image to a square frame with a specified size while maintaining its aspect ratio. The contentMode parameter allows you to control how the image fills the frame.
  2. Resize with Aspect Ratio

    • resizeWithApectRatio(contentMode:): Resizes the image while maintaining its aspect ratio. The contentMode parameter lets you control how the image fits within its new frame.

Usage Example

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
            .squareFrameWithApectRatio(value: 100, contentMode: .fill)
            .border(lineWidth: 2, cornerRadius: 10, color: .blue)
Thread Extensions

A collection of useful extensions for managing threads in Swift.


  1. On Main Thread Execution

    • OnMainThread(_:): Executes the given closure on the main thread if the current thread is already the main thread. Otherwise, dispatches it asynchronously to the main thread for execution.
  2. On Background Thread Execution

    • OnBackGroudThread(_:): Executes the given closure on a background thread using a global background queue.
  3. Delayed Execution on Main Thread

    • runAfter(_:completion:): Schedules the given closure to run after a specified delay (in seconds) on the main thread using DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter.
  4. Custom Thread Creation

    • startNewThread(name:qos:execute:): Creates and manages custom threads with specific configurations. This extension allows you to start a new thread with a custom name and Quality of Service (QoS).

Usage Example

import Foundation

// Execute a closure on the main thread after a delay of 2 seconds
Thread.runAfter(2) {
    print("This will be executed after 2 seconds on the main thread.")

// Execute a closure on the main thread
Thread.OnMainThread {
    print("This will be executed on the main thread.")

// Execute a closure on a background thread
Thread.OnBackGroudThread {
    print("This will be executed on a background thread.")

// Create and start a custom thread
Thread.startNewThread(name: "CustomThread", qos: .userInitiated) {
    print("This is a custom thread with name 'CustomThread' and QoS 'userInitiated'.")
Date Extensions

A set of useful extensions for working with Date objects in Swift.


  1. Readable Time

    • getReadableTime(): Formats a Date object into a human-readable time string in a 12-hour format with AM/PM indicator. Example output: "03:30 PM" or "11:45 AM".
  2. Readable Date

    • getReadableDate(): Formats a Date object into a human-readable date string in the format "MM/DD/YYYY". Example output: "07/22/2023" or "01/05/2024".
  3. Readable Date and Time

    • getReadableDateTime(): Formats a Date object into a human-readable date and time string. Example output: "07/22/2023 03:30 PM" or "01/05/2024 11:45 AM".
  4. Timestamp Generation

    • TimeStemp(format:): Provides a unique timestamp according to the given format. The default format is "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmssSSS".
  5. Month and Day Names

    • getMonthName(): Gets the full month name from the date, like "January," "February," etc.
    • getShortMonthName(): Gets the short month name from the date, like "Jan," "Feb," etc.
    • getDayName(): Gets the full day name from the date, like "Sunday," "Monday," etc.
    • getShortDayName(): Gets the short day name from the date, like "Sun," "Mon," etc.
  6. Date Component Retrieval

    • getDateComponent(_:calendar:): Returns the value of a specific component (e.g., day, month, year, hour, minute) from the Date object using the provided Calendar. If no Calendar is provided, it defaults to the current calendar.

Usage Example

import Foundation

let currentDate = Date()

let readableTime = currentDate.getReadableTime()
print("Readable Time: \(readableTime)")

let readableDate = currentDate.getReadableDate()
print("Readable Date: \(readableDate)")

let readableDateTime = currentDate.getReadableDateTime()
print("Readable Date and Time: \(readableDateTime)")

let timestamp = currentDate.TimeStemp()
print("Timestamp: \(timestamp)")

let monthName = currentDate.getMonthName()
print("Month Name: \(monthName)")

let shortMonthName = currentDate.getShortMonthName()
print("Short Month Name: \(shortMonthName)")

let dayName = currentDate.getDayName()
print("Day Name: \(dayName)")

let shortDayName = currentDate.getShortDayName()
print("Short Day Name: \(shortDayName)")

let day = currentDate.getDateComponent(.day)
print("Day: \(day)")

let month = currentDate.getDateComponent(.month)
print("Month: \(month)")

let year = currentDate.getDateComponent(.year)
print("Year: \(year)")
Data Extension

A convenient extension for working with Data objects in Swift.


  1. Readable Data Size
    • getReadableDataSize(): Converts the size of a Data object into a human-readable format, displaying units like KB, MB, GB, etc.

Usage Example

import Foundation

let testData = Data(repeating: 0, count: 1024) // 1 KB
let readableSize = testData.getReadableDataSize()
print("Readable Size: \(readableSize)") // Output: "1 KB"
Color Extensions


  1. Initialization from Hex String

    • init(hexString:): Initializes a Color object from a valid hex color string (e.g., "#RRGGBB" or "#AARRGGBB").
  2. Conversion to Hex String

    • toHex(): Converts the Color object to its hex representation. For macOS, this function is only available on macOS 11.0 and later, and for iOS, it requires iOS 14.0 and later.
  3. Conversion from UIColor (iOS) or NSColor (macOS) to Hex Code

    • toHexCode(): Converts a UIColor object (iOS) or NSColor object (macOS) to its hex representation.

Usage Example

import SwiftUI

let redColor = Color(hexString: "#FF0000")
let hexCode = redColor.toHex()
print("Hex Code: \(hexCode ?? "Unknown")") // Output: "Hex Code: #FF0000"

#if os(iOS)
if let uiColor = UIColor(red: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0).toHexCode() {
    print("UI Color Hex Code: \(uiColor)") // Output: "UI Color Hex Code: #7F7F7F"
#elseif os(macOS)
if let nsColor = NSColor(red: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0).toHexCode() {
    print("NS Color Hex Code: \(nsColor)") // Output: "NS Color Hex Code: #7F7F7F"


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify it as per your requirements.


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