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WTForms integration

Documentation below is related to project version 2.0.0 or higher, old versions has
completely different approach for forms generation.

And despite the fact that the old code is included in version 2.0.0 to keep correct
deprecation workflow (where possible), it is not documented (and was not) and not

If you faced any forms problems, consider migration to new methods and approach.

Flask-Mongoengine and Flask-WTF/WTForms are heavily integrated, to reduce amount of boilerplate code, required to make database model and online form. In the same time a lot of options was created to keep extreme flexibility.

After database model definition user does not require to repeat same code in form definition, instead it is possible to use integrated converter, that will do most of the work.

Flask-Mongoengine will transform some model's properties to Flask-WTF/WTForms validators, so user does not need to care about standards. For full list of transformations, please review global transforms and specific field documentation below.

In the same time, user is able to adjust database fields definition with specific settings as on stage of Document model definition, as on form generation stage. This allows to create several forms for same model, for different circumstances.


For correct integration behavior several requirements should be met:

  • Document classes should be used from Flask-Mongoengine {class}flask_mongoengine.MongoEngine class, or from {mod}flask_mongoengine.documents module.
  • Document classes should be used from Flask-Mongoengine {class}flask_mongoengine.MongoEngine class, or from {mod}flask_mongoengine.db_fields module.

Global transforms

For all fields, processed by Flask-Mongoengine integration:

  • If model field definition have {attr}wtf_validators defined, they will be forwarded to WTForm as {attr}validators. This is not protection from {attr}validators extension by Flask-Mongoengine.
  • If model field definition have {attr}wtf_filters defined, they will be forwarded to WTForm as {attr}filters.
  • If model field definition have {attr}required, then {class}~wtforms.validators.InputRequired will be added to form {attr}validators, otherwise {class}~wtforms.validators.Optional added.
  • If model field definition have {attr}verbose_name it will be used as form field {attr}label, otherwise pure field name used.
  • If model field definition have {attr}help_text it will be used as form field {attr}description, otherwise empty string used.
  • Field's {attr}default used as form {attr}default, that's why special WTForms fields implementations was created. Details can be found in {mod} module. In new form generator only 'Mongo' prefixed classes are used for fields, other classes are deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0.0. If you have own nesting classes, you should check inheritance and make an update.
  • Field's {attr}choices, if exist, used as form {attr}choices.
As at version **2.0.0** there is no {attr}`wtf_validators` duplicates/conflicts check.
User should be careful with manual {attr}`wtf_validators` setup. And in case of forms
problems this is first place to look on.

{attr}`wtf_validators` and {attr}`wtf_filters` duplication check expected in future
versions; PRs are welcome.

Some additional transformations are made by specific field, check exact field documentation below for more info.

Supported fields


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  • API: {class}.db_fields.DecimalField
  • Default form field class: {class}wtforms.fields.DecimalField

Form generation behaviour

From form generation side this field is pretty standard and do not use any form generation adjustments.

If database field definition has any of {attr}min_value or {attr}max_value, then {class}~wtforms.validators.NumberRange validator will be added to form field.

Examples in example app contain basic non-requirement example. You can adjust it to any provided example for test purposes.

Not limited DecimalField
from example_app.models import db

class NumbersDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    decimal_field_unlimited = db.DecimalField()
Limited DecimalField
from decimal import Decimal

from example_app.models import db

class NumbersDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    decimal_field_limited = db.DecimalField(
        min_value=Decimal("1"), max_value=Decimal("200.455")


Not yet documented. Please help us with new pull request.


  • API: {class}.db_fields.EmailField
  • Default form field class: {class}~.MongoEmailField

Form generation behaviour

Unlike StringField WTForm class of the field is not adjusted by normal form generation sequence and always match {class}~.MongoEmailField. All other adjustments, related to validators insert are work with EmailField in the same way, as in StringField.

Additional {class}~wtforms.validators.Email validator is also inserted to form field, to exclude unnecessary database request, if form data incorrect.

Field respect user's adjustments in {attr}wtf_field_class option of {class}.db_fields.EmailField. This will change form field display, but will not change inserted validators.

Examples in example app contain basic non-requirement example. You can adjust it to any provided example for test purposes.

Not required EmailField
from example_app.models import db

class StringsDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    url_field = db.EmailField()
Required EmailField
from example_app.models import db

class StringsDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    required_url_field = db.EmailField(required=True)


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Not yet documented. Please help us with new pull request.


Default form field class changed from: {class}`wtforms.fields.FloatField` to
  • API: {class}.db_fields.FloatField
  • Default form field class: {class}~.fields.MongoFloatField

Form generation behaviour

For Mongo database {class}~.db_fields.FloatField special WTForm field was created. This field's behaviour is the same, as for {class}wtforms.fields.FloatField, but the widget is replaced to {class}~wtforms.widgets.NumberInput, this should make a look of generated form better. It is possible, that in some cases usage of base, {class}wtforms.fields.FloatField can be required by form design. Both fields are completely compatible, and replace can be done with {attr}wtf_field_class db form parameter.

If database field definition has any of {attr}min_value or {attr}max_value, then {class}~wtforms.validators.NumberRange validator will be added to form field.

Examples in example app contain basic non-requirement example. You can adjust it to any provided example for test purposes.

Not limited FloatField
from example_app.models import db

class NumbersDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    float_field_unlimited = db.FloatField()
Limited FloatField
from example_app.models import db

class NumbersDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    float_field_limited = db.FloatField(min_value=float(1), max_value=200.455)


  • API: {class}.db_fields.IntField
  • Default form field class: {class}wtforms.fields.IntegerField

Form generation behaviour

From form generation side this field is pretty standard and do not use any form generation adjustments.

If database field definition has any of {attr}min_value or {attr}max_value, then {class}~wtforms.validators.NumberRange validator will be added to form field.

Examples in example app contain basic non-requirement example. You can adjust it to any provided example for test purposes.

Not limited IntField
from example_app.models import db

class NumbersDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    integer_field_unlimited = db.IntField()
Limited IntField
from example_app.models import db

class NumbersDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    integer_field_limited = db.IntField(min_value=1, max_value=200)


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Not yet documented. Please help us with new pull request.

SortedListField (partly?)

Not yet documented. Please help us with new pull request.


  • API: {class}.db_fields.StringField
  • Default form field class: Selected by field settings combination

Form generation behaviour

By default, during WTForm generation for fields without specified size ( {attr}min_length or {attr}max_length) class {class}.MongoTextAreaField is used, in case when {attr}min_length or {attr}max_length set, then {class}.MongoStringField used and {class}~wtforms.validators.Length will be added to form field validators. This allows to keep documents of any size in mongodb.

In some cases class {class}~.MongoStringField is not the best choice for field, even with limited size. In this case user can easily overwrite generated field class by providing {attr}wtf_field_class on {class}.db_fields.StringField field declaration, as on document, as well as on form generation steps.

If database field definition has {attr}regex parameter set, then {class}~wtforms.validators.Regexp validator will be added to the form field.

Features deprecated

Field declaration step keyword arguments {attr}password and {attr}textarea are deprecated in Flask-Mongoengine version 2.0.0 and exist only to make migration steps easy.

To implement same behaviour, user should use {attr}wtf_field_class setting on {class}.db_fields.StringField init.

Related WTForm custom fields

Several special WTForms field implementation was created to support mongodb database behaviour and do not create any values in database, in case of empty fields. They can be used as {attr}wtf_field_class setting or independently. Some of them used in another database fields too, but all of them based on {class}wtforms.fields.StringField and {class}~.EmptyStringIsNoneMixin. You can use {class}~.EmptyStringIsNoneMixin for own field types.

  • {class}~.MongoEmailField
  • {class}~.MongoHiddenField
  • {class}~.MongoPasswordField
  • {class}~.MongoSearchField
  • {class}~.MongoStringField
  • {class}~.MongoTelField
  • {class}~.MongoTextAreaField
  • {class}~.MongoURLField

Examples in example app contain basic non-requirement example. You can adjust it to any provided example for test purposes.

Not limited StringField as MongoTextAreaField
from example_app.models import db

class StringsDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    string_field = db.StringField()
Not limited StringField as MongoTelField
from example_app.models import db
from import fields as mongo_fields

class StringsDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    tel_field = db.StringField(wtf_field_class=mongo_fields.MongoTelField)
Not limited StringField as MongoTextAreaField with https regex

mongoengine and wtforms projects are not consistent in how they work with regex. You will be safe, if you use {func}re.compile each time, when you work with regex settings, before parent projects itself.

import re

from example_app.models import db

class StringsDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    regexp_string_field = db.StringField(regex=re.compile(
Size limited StringField as MongoStringField
from example_app.models import db

class StringsDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    sized_string_field = db.StringField(min_length=5)
Required password field with minimum size
from example_app.models import db
from import fields as mongo_fields

class StringsDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    password_field = db.StringField(


  • API: {class}.db_fields.URLField
  • Default form field class: {class}~.MongoURLField

Form generation behaviour

Unlike StringField WTForm class of the field is not adjusted by normal form generation sequence and always match {class}~.MongoURLField. All other adjustments, related to validators insert are work with EmailField in the same way, as in StringField.

Additional {class}~wtforms.validators.Regexp validator is also inserted to form field, to exclude unnecessary database request, if form data incorrect. This validator use regexp, provided in {attr}url_regex of {class}.db_fields.URLField, or default URL regexp from mongoengine project. This is different from Flask-Mongoengine version 1.0.0 or earlier, where {class}~wtforms.validators.URL was inserted. This was changed, to exclude validators conflicts.

{func}`~.model_form` is still use {class}`~wtforms.validators.URL` for
compatibility with old setups.

Field respect user's adjustments in {attr}wtf_field_class option of {class}.db_fields.URLField. This will change form field display, but will not change inserted validators.

Examples in example app contain basic non-requirement example. You can adjust it to any provided example for test purposes.

Not required URLField
from example_app.models import db

class StringsDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    url_field = db.URLField()
Required URLField with minimum size
from example_app.models import db

class StringsDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    required_url_field = db.URLField(required=True, min_length=25)
URLField with https only regexp check, if data exist

Regexp for {attr}url_regex should be prepared by {mod}re.

import re

from example_app.models import db

class StringsDemoModel(db.Document):
    """Documentation example model."""

    https_url_field = db.URLField(

Unsupported fields


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