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AI research showcased at

International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2018

Conference proceedings and open review


Generative adversarial network (GAN)

  • Common usecase: generate photo realistic images e.g., road pictures at different lighting
  • Research problems
    • Mode collapse:
    • Zero-shot learning

Reinforcement learning

  • Common usecase:
    • Training of machine learning model using real-time feedback
    • E.g., AlphaGo
  • Research problems
    • Policy gradient

Graph-based Neural Network

  • Common usecase:
    • Find bugs in software code repositories

Sequence model: MACnets

  • Common usecase:
    • Language translation, Question and answer
  • Research problems
    • Reasoning
    • E.g., What is name of the building that is by the eight ave, left to Holt Renfrew and next to Banker's hall? Eighth avenue place.

Keynote 1: What Can Machine Learning Do? Workforce Implications

Erik Brynjolfsson


  • Economist's perspective of AI
    • Average person's life did not much until 1775 (Steam engine)

    • Steam engine is a general purose technology

    • AI is a general purpose technology

      • Pervasive
      • Improve over time
      • Complementary innovation

** "Our job is to solve intelligence and then use that to solve problems of the world", Demis Hassabis, DeepMind**

  • Backlash against technology
  • Challenges
    • Income distribution
    • Job loss
    • False news
    • Bias

** There is no shortage of work that only humans can do **

  • Additional considerations:

    • No economic law that most people will benefit
    • Median family income remains flat
    • Corporate profit does not distribute to labours
    • There are more millionairs and billionairs (1%)
  • Suitable for Machine learning (SML) tasks

    • Experiment to detemine which tasks are suitable for machines
    • Machine learning is not good at developing treatment plans as done by Radiologists
    • SML score is not correlated with Wage
  • To Dos:

    • Design parameters/policies
    • Reinvent future of work
    • Invent technology to augment human instead of replacing human
    • Techonology does not decide how income distribution is done; humans do

Keynote 2: Augmenting Clinical Intellgence with Machine Intelligence

Suchi Saria
John Hopkins University

  • Machine learning can improve accuracy of clinical decisions

  • Diverse data source

    • Discrete Events Laboratories
    • Continuous physiologic measurements
  • Computational diagnostics for Parkinsons

    • Determine the right dose of medication

    • Objectively quantify patients condition

    • Developed Android app to use cell phone sensors

    • Machine learning: Input are the cell phone's sensor's data and output is the severity of the disease

    • Max margin comparision between before medication and after medication test

    • Semi-supervised learning to learn cheaply

  • Early diagnosis and prevention

    • Forecasting the risk of a patient to be hospitalized in the short term future
    • Analyze Sparse and irregular time series
    • Segment time series - Sliding window approach
      • Supervised learning
      • Policy changes
      • Control the changes in the future (NIPS paper)
      • Incorporate counter factor and confounder
      • Control regime where something might changes between sliding window and the risk assessment period.

Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation

Tero Karras, Timo Aila, Samuli Laine, Jaakko Lehtinen

  • Training GAN

    • GAN for high resolution
    • Start with small resolution
    • As we are close to goal, increase the resolution image
    • Resemble multilayer auto-encoder training
  • Normalization

    • D - nothing
    • G - Pixel normalization
  • Dataset - LSUN

  • Sliced Wasserstein distance is used

Wasserstein auto-encoders (WAE)

Ilya Tolstikhin, Olivier Bousquet, Sylvain Gelly and Bernhard Schoelkopf

  • Generative adversarial networks (GANs) (Goodfellow et al., 2014) have been very popular to generate high quality images

    • However, GAN comes without an auto-encoder as it is desirable to reconstruct the latent codes and use the learned manifold
    • GAN is harder to train
    • GAN suffers from the "mode collapses" where the resulting model is unable to capture all the variability in the true data distribution
  • Variational auto-encoder (VAE), on the other hand, contains a good theoretical foundation for a generative model while providing a learned representation of the input

    • However, VAE does not generate good quality images
  • Wasserstein auto-encoder (WAE) blends the adversarial training of GANs with autoencoder architectures

  • WAE approach generative modeling from the optimal transport (OT) point of view. The OT cost (Villani, 2003) is a way to measure a distance between probability distributions

  • Objective of WAE has two terms:

    1. Reconstruction cost
      • It ensures that latent codes provided to the decoder are informative enough to reconstruct the encoded training examples
    2. Regularizer $D_{Z}(P_{Z};Q_{Z})$
      • It penalizes a discrepancy between two distributions in $Z$ and $P_{Z}$ and a distribution of encoded data points, i.e. $Q_{Z} := E_{P_{X}}[Q(Z|X)]$
      • It captures how distinct the image by the encoder of each training example is from the prior $P_{Z}$


  • Two different regularizers have been proposed
    • WAE-GAN: is based on GANs and adversarial training in the latent space Z.
    • WAE-MMD: uses the maximum mean discrepancy which is known to perform well when matching high-dimensional standard normal distributions $P_{Z}$ (Gretton et al., 2012).



Jin-Dong Dong, An-Chieh Cheng, Da-Cheng Juan, Wei Wei& Min Sun


  • Find out optimal Neural network architecture using Pareto optimization
  • Optimization objectives - accuracy and computational cost


  • Start with best know network configurations - DenseNet, SparseNet

  • Mutate: Add layers from the search space image

  • RNN Regressor

    • Input: architecture and previous layer's accuracy
    • Infer network's true accuracy given its architechture
  • Select K networks using Pareto Optimality image

  • Update regressor

    • Train the selected K networks each for N epochs
    • Use the evaluation accuracies (output) and the architectures (inputs) to update the RNN regressor
  • Performance of each layer is feed to a RNN Regressor as well as each model settings is fed to the regressor as embedding

Learning to represent program using Graphs

Miltiadis Allamanis, Marc Brockschmidt, Mahmoud Khademi
Microsoft Research


  • Graphs to represent both syntactic and semantic structure of code

  • Apply Deep Neural Network to reason over the graph

  • Applications

    • Variable Misuse identifying
    • Generate proper variable names
    • Find bug
  • Learning to Reason about Code

    • Control flow
      • Last use, write and computed from
    • Data flow
  • Graph Neural Network image

    • Based on Gate Graph Neural Networks
    • Program graph uses Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
    • Additional edges are added to capture control and data flow
    • Use word embedding for tokens image


William Fedus, Ian Goodfellow and Andrew M. Dai
Google Brain

  • Propose to use Generative Adversarial Network to fill missing text in a paragraph

  • Current seq-2-seq model from applies

    • Maximum likelihood based training
    • Optimize perplexity
    • Results in poor quality when generating samples conditioned on new words not seen during training
  • Proposed MaskGAN

    • Actor-critic GAN provides rewards at every time step
    • Generate better samples
    • Mode collapse problem is shown by reduced number of quadgrams
    • Quality of the generated samples remain consistent despite mode collapse
    • Authors claim mode collapse occure near the end of the sequence.

Deep Learning with Ensembles of Neocortical Microcircuits

Blake Richards

  • Deep learning has shown that learning hierarchical representation in the data is useful

  • Effective hierarchical learning depends on credit assignment which is the method of determining which neurons and synapses in the hierarchy are ultimately responsible for behaviors.

  • Backpropagation does not align with how our brain works

  • Author proposed a computational model for hierarchical credit assignment inspired by neocortical microcircuits.

  • Details of how neuron works in our brain image

    • Pyramidal structure of neuron plays a key role
    • Ensemble of pyramidal neurons
    • Fully Connected Network
    • Multiplex top-down and up-down signals from dendrites
  • t-SNE on the representation of network of dendrites

  • Each unit is a group of neurons instead of one neuron

    • Each burst may be related to burst of more than one neuron
  • Neurons that are derived from the same progenitor cells have similar connections and are much more likely to be connedvted each other


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