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FDT Address (BSC network)


FDT Team Wallet (BSC network)

Bulk transaction

  • transfer : 0x06E3337F6Fe74Ea5B22fA5dD6caf74BB7E7596eC
  • mint : 0x0e59cF37bD4AFF10a2A1ecf25CD411E76A31988a

FruttiDino NFT Sale Project

Try running some of the following tasks:

npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat help
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat coverage
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
node scripts/deploy.js
npx eslint '**/*.js'
npx eslint '**/*.js' --fix
npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --check
npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --write
npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol'
npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol' --fix

deploy command

hardhat.config.js 에 정의된 네트워크를 선택해서 명령어를 실행한다. ( --network bsctest )

  • FruttiDinoNFT

    npx hardhat run --network bsc scripts/FruttiDinoNFT/deploy.js
  • FruttiDinoTeamLockupWallet

    npx hardhat run --network bsc scripts/FruttiDinoTeamLockupWallet/deploy.js
  • FruttidinoBep20

    npx hardhat run --network bsc scripts/FruttidinoBep20/deploy.js

etherscan verify 예

npx hardhat verify --contract  contracts/FruttidinoInvest.sol:FruttidinoInvest 0xf6F753dA16057A768358AE7470561205d37C4615  --network bsc
npx hardhat verify --contract  contracts/FruttiDinoNFT.sol:FruttiDinoNFT 0x0CAA268b0Af11e95F75F562FcbCD27DA79862D21  --network bsc
npx hardhat verify --contract  contracts/FruttidinoBep20.sol:FruttidinoBep20 0x3427ceda1514e23E54dD22703F4b8c0037c9E4E2 --network bsc
npx hardhat verify --contract  contracts/FruttidinoFamNFT.sol:FruttidinoFamNFT 0x6d1592471c81F3332Bb7652FD52559fCdB452f27  --network bsc

Etherscan verification