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JavaScript Basics Excercises for MTCS Full Time Class 7

Exercise 1:

var lyric = "Lookout Hollywood, here I come";

var songs = [
  {artist:"John Lennon", song: "Oh Yoko" , chorus: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Yoooooo-oooko" },
  {artist:"Father John Misty", song: "Funtimes in Babylon",
    chorus:"Lookout Hollywood, here I come" },  
  {artist:"Will Smith", song:"Just the Two Of Us", chorus:"ha-haaa, whoop"},

Using the "songs" array, write a function titled "matchLyric" that matches the variable "lyric" string with the proper song object and console.logs "We've found your song - {song} by {artist}".

Exercise 2:

var surfObj = {
  date: new Date(),
  processReport: function(){
    //edits go here

Using the "date" and "todaysWaves" properties, edit the function "processReport" to create and console.log a string that logs "today is {date} and the waves are {todaysWaves}, dude."

The date should formatted as a "short date."

Exercise 3:

View in the browser: http://localhost:5000/stylin.css

Complete the following:

  • successfully inject a css file called "styles.css"
  • change the following:
    • background color to green
    • default font family to comic sans
    • application title (chomp chomp) font family to times new roman
    • put a border around the 1st paragraph on the page

Exercise 4:

Make and run a javascript function that changes the text color of an HTML element, executed from a button.

Then, make another button and build the same functionality using jQuery.

Exercise 5:

Make a javascript function that merges two arrays. The input will be two arrays and the output will be 1 array. Keep the order of elements within each array, where the second array follows the first array.

i.e. ([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5]

Exercise 6:

Make text fade in and out using jquery. Use the setInterval javascript function and the 'hidden' css property. Use whatever html file and html tag you want.

Exercise 7:

Write a sentence in a

tag. Using jQuery, attach a double-click event to the

element, whose callback drastically changes the meaning of the sentence.

Exercise 8:

Write a javascript function that accepts an object and returns a count of the number of methods in that object.

Exercise 9:

var plant = {
  commonName:"dumb house plant"
  fetchName: function(){
    //write code in here

Fill in the fetchName function to grab the properties kingdom and genus, and returns the string: "the {commonName}, of kingdom {kingdom} and genus {genus}, is next to the closet behind us."

Use TDD to test and console log the string.

Exercise 10:

var loading = "loading....";

//write code here

  var doneLoading = "Loading Complete!"
  //write the code here

}, 4000);

Write a jquery or javascript function that displays the string "loading..." on an html page and then replaces that string with "Loading Complete" after the timeout has finished. Use the code above.

Exercise 11:

var bar = true;

function toggle(){
  if (bar){
  } else {


Currently, the 4 toggle calls log "yes" "yes" "yes "yes." Edit the function toggle so that the 4 calls log this: "yes" "no" "yes" "no".

Exercise 12:

Set a background-image using the jQuery CSS property. The image should answer this question - if moby was a person, who would he be?

Exercise 13:

Create an html file that has a bootstrap theme from

Exercise 14:

You guys have used cdn's and have some familiarty with html. Let's do something interesting with this knowledge - follow //this tutorial - to get the default chart into an html file.

In the "data" object passed into the "new Chart(.." edit the "labels" and to display some of information in //the chart found at (the chart titled: August Tornado Counts *2017 count preliminary)

Exercise 15:

Add a CSS class using jQuery when you hit a button.

Exercise 16:

Using jQuery, console.log the class of the clicked element.

Exercise 17:

Using Javascript and TDD, write a function that sorts an array of strings in alphabetical order.

Exercise5 18:

Write a javascript function that randomly returns an integer between 0 and 2. Using this return value and an html button, switch the background image between 3 images.

Exercise 19:

Using jquery's get method, grab some data using one of google's data apis, using the url . Use jquery or javascript to create an html div and put the books title in inside the div. Use css to style the font size to be 20px.

Exercise 20:

In our name app, add the field "age" in the html, using the dob property in the database. We will not store the age property in the database.

Exrecise 21:

If you are part of brians group, use tdd to compliment his sweater.

Exercise 22:

In our name app, add the email field we built in the input into our schema and add it to the #nameList after the age.

Exercise 23:

In our name app, change the ul#nameList into an html table with 4 columns Name, DOB, Age, and Email.

Exercise 24:

Using an express server, get mongo and mongoose running with a mongo database server, like we did earlier today (Wed. Sept 27). The mongoose schema will be a movie star:

Exercise 25:

There's a raging debate about what logic goes into the server and what goes into the client. In the last exercise (fetch.js), we grabbed the image_url from the giphy api in node and yesterday we did it in meteoriteData.js, which is on the client (executed in the browser).

fork the basic express server repo. In server.js, grab the node-fetch library from npm. Use it like you did in fetch.js to grab an gif image url. Create a new app.get that responds with the image url you just retrieved. In your index.html file, use the fetch or jquery api to call your get, retrieve the image url, and display the gif on your webpage. woohoo1


Completed exercises that we've done in class






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