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Emby or Jellyfin Media Importer

Montellese edited this page Apr 11, 2020 · 6 revisions

Install the Latest Kodi Build. The MediaImport Repo is Installed but disabled.

Enable Repo

  • Settings>Addons>My Addons>Addon Repository>repository.mediaimport>Enable

Install the Importer

  • Settings>Addons>Install from Respository>repository.mediaimport>mediaimport.emby
    • There are no settings for the addon itself so there is nothing to configure there.

Add Your Emby or Jellyfin Server (Media Provider)

  • Settings>Media Sources>All Media Providers or Active Media Providers (Either should work).

  • You should see your server here, sign in and follow instructions in Add Libraries (Imports) below.

    • If not, choose Add Provider…,
      • then choose EMBY, and add the URL of your server (http(s)://ipaddress:port)
      • If your server is found, a dialog will pop up allowing you to enter and test your credentials.
      • If authenticated, your server will now appear as a provider after the dialog closes.

Add Your Libraries (Imports)

You should see the media types available there.

  • Choose one, a dialog should pop up which allows you to choose what libraries are imported and synchronized.
  • The default is All, for importing all libraries of that media type.
    • However, the setting can be changed to Choose..., enabling you to select which libraries are imported from the multiselect dialog that appears.
  • Having selected your library, or libraries, choose Ok.
    • Synchronization should begin immediately.
  • There is also a Synchronize Tab which allows to edit what info is synchronized but the defaults are best be left as is for testing.

Play Imported Items

  • You can then return to Kodi’s Home screen and play whatever item has been imported. You do not have to wait for the import process to be completed.