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This project is a web application simulating a workout booking service made using ASP.NET Core and Angular 13, created for learning purposes.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

How does it work?

The application is designed to manage the workout bookings of fitness club members. App allows Managers and Administrators to create a weekly training template (RepetitiveWorkouts), which at the start of a new week automatically creates a plan for the upcoming week (RealWorkouts). Moreover, it is possible to create and ocassional real workout. Visitors without accounts can view the training plan and read about workout types and instructors. Registered users can book their participation in selected workouts.

Application user roles:

  • Member
  • Manager
  • Bussiness Administrator
  • System Administrator

The exact list of role permissions is included in the file RolePermissionMatrix.cs and can be modified using migration.

How to download and run

  1. Clone solution code with command git clone,
  2. Overwrite the appsettings.json file (e.g. by user secrets) as recommended below:
    • Add your credentials in FirstAdmin section. Application will create a system administrator user based on this data during the first launch,
    • Add application key (min. 16 chars) used for user authentication purposes in the Authentication.JwtKey section
  3. Backend:
    • Open terminal and type docker-compose up -d
    • Apply migrations using dotnet ef database update -s ../WorkoutReservation.API (in src/WorkoutReservation.Infrastructure),
    • Run the backend application
  4. Fronted:
    • Make sure you have node.js installed,
    • Install packages npm install,
    • Run the frontend application using the npm start or ng serve command in the console (in src/WorkoutReservation.UI/src/app)

Design Patterns

  • Clean architecture
  • CQRS
  • Mediator
  • Repository
  • Domain Events
  • Outbox messages


  • ASP.NET Core 8.0
  • Angular 13
  • Entity Framework Core 8.0
  • MS SQL Server
  • JWT Bearer authentication
  • Docker


  • MediatR
  • DevExtreme
  • Quartz
  • AutoMapper
  • FluentValidation
  • xUnit
  • Moq
  • Shouldly
  • Swagger
  • NLog


This project is a web application simulating a workout booking service made using ASP.NET Core and Angular 13, created for learning purposes.








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