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This list contains all deprecations and removals in every Blender version starting with Blender 3.0. Since Blender 4.0's breaking changes invoked the want for a list of all deprecations and changes, this list is public for addon developers to use.

Note that not all deprecations are listed, just the ones that may affect MCprep or changes that developers should be aware of in general, so please refer to the wiki entries for each version for more information. In addition, for simplicity, this page will only document changes in stable releases of Blender, unless a change has been found in a development version of Blender that needs to be addressed.

For Developers: The use of any deprecated feature is an automatic bug. Such features should be wrapped around if statements for backwards compatibility if absolutely necesary in older versions.

For MCprep maintainers: Any use of a deprecated feature in a pull request should be questioned. If the feature is needed in older versions, then remind developers to use min_bv, bv28 (Deprecated in MCprep 3.5), or bv30, whichever is more appropriate.

In ascending order:


None that concern MCprep.

Breaking Changes

  • Rigs made in Blender 3.0 are no longer compatible with older versions of Blender.
    • A workaround would be to convert the rigs to FBX, then import in an older version of Blender.


None that affect MCprep

Breaking Changes


  • Passing context to operators has been deprecated. Removed in Blender 4.0
    • The Blender release notes give the following example for reference:
    # Deprecated API
    bpy.ops.object.delete({"selected_objects": objects_to_delete})
    # New API
    with context.temp_override(selected_objects=objects_to_delete):

Breaking Changes

  • frame_still_start and frame_still_end have been removed. The release notes suggest using a negative value for frame_offset_start and frame_offset_end


  • Conext menu entries should be appended to UI_MT_button_context_menu.
    • The Blender release notes give the following example for reference:
    ### Old API ###
    class WM_MT_button_context(Menu):
        bl_label = "Unused"
        def draw(self, context):
            layout = self.layout
    def register():
    def unregister():
    ### New API ###
    # Important! `UI_MT_button_context_menu` *must not* be manually registered.
    def draw_menu(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
    def register():
    def unregister():

Breaking Changes

  • frame_start, frame_offset_start, and frame_offset_end are now floating point.


None that concern MCprep.

Breaking Changes

  • The internal data structure for meshes has been changed significantly
    • The old API remains and doesn't seem to be deprecated, but it will be slower then using the new API
  • Nodes for new materials get their names translated
    • The solution is to not refer to nodes by their names
  • MixRGB has since been replaced with a new general Mix node. The wiki does not mention if the node name has been changed.

Breaking Changes

  • Registering classes that have the same names as built-in types raises an error
  • The internal mesh data structure has gone through more changes.
    • MeshUVLoop is deprecated. Removed in Blender 4.0
      • data remains emulated, but with a performance penalty

None that concern MCprep.


None that concern MCprep.

Breaking Changes

  • Glossy BSDF and Anisotrophic BSDF nodes have been merged.
    • The node's Python name is ShaderNodeBsdfAnisotropic
  • MeshUVLoop removed
  • Passing context into operators removed
  • Principled BSDF has been completely rewritten, including sockets
    • Subsurface -> Subsurface Weight
    • Subsurface Color removed, use Base Color instead
    • Specular -> Specular IOR Level
    • Specular Tint changed from float to color
    • Transmission -> Transmission Weight
    • Coat -> Coat Weight
    • Sheen -> Sheen Weight
    • Emission -> Emission Color
  • Possible breakage of rig backwards compatibility (unconfirmed)


None that concern MCprep.

Breaking Changes/Additions

  • Python has been upgraded to Python 3.11
  • VFX Reference Platform 2024 support has been added
  • Layout panels to reduce boilerplate for submenus
  • displacement_method is under bpy.types.Material now
  • Possible breakage of rig backwards compatibility (unconfirmed)