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Lightweight configurations database for real time embedded systems in c++20

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ShoobyDB 🐻

Lightweight configurations database for real time embedded systems in c++20

This is header only library to easily define a set of heterogeneous data configurations as a database and access them in a thread safe manner.

Table of Contents

Basic Usage

struct IPV4
    uint8_t ip[4];

// define a connectivy configuration database
    CONFIG_NUM(ALWAYS_CONNECT, bool, true)                       \
    CONFIG_NUM(PORT, uint16_t, 1883)                             \
    CONFIG_STR(HOST, "localhost", 32)                            \
    CONFIG_BLOB(IP, IPV4, {192, 168, 1, 1})                      \
    CONFIG_NUM(CONNECTION_RETRIES, uint8_t, 3, 1, 10)


int main()
    Shooby::DB<CONNECTIVITY_CONFIG>::Init(/* some backend */);

    using enum CONNECTIVITY_CONFIG::enum_type;
    using conn_db = Shooby::DB<CONNECTIVITY_CONFIG>;

    // set something
    conn_db::Set(HOST, "");

    // get something
    auto port = conn_db::Get<uint16_t>(PORT);

    // profit!
    printf("using port: %d\n", port);


  • Straightforward defenition of a DB instance with a list of enums
  • Convenient API for setting and getting values
  • Lightweight and fast
  • Type safety with C++20 concepts, constexpr, consteval and static_asserts
  • Observers capabilites for notifying when a value changes
  • Backend capabilites for saving and loading the database to/from a file/flash/kvstore
  • Thread safe
  • Portable using a preprocesser macro to define the mutex api, print api and assert api



Use bool DB::Set<TYPE>(enum_type e, TYPE value) to set a value in the database.

  • Parameters:
    • enum_type e: enum of the value to set
    • TYPE value: value to set
  • Template parameter:
    • TYPE: type of the value to get
  • Returns:
    • bool: true if the value changed, false if not
  • TYPE can be an arithemtic/blob/char pointer/blob pointer
  • If operation is successful, observers will be called in a linked list layer, observers are always called whether the value changed or not. A boolean paramter is passed to the observer to indicate if the value changed or not.


flowchart TD
A["DB::Set<TYPE>(enum type, TYPE value)"] --> B(TYPE validity check)
B --> C(If TYPE is arithmetic: range limit check)
C --> D(Lock DB mutex)
D --> E(If value changed: update RAM data)
E --> F(If value changed && DB has backend: update backend)
F --> G(Unlock mutex DB)
G --> H(Notify observers)
H --> I(Return bool changed)



Use TYPE DB::Get<TYPE>(enum_type e) to get a value from the database.

  • Parameters:
    • enum_type e: enum of the value to get
  • Template parameter:
    • TYPE: type of the value to get
  • Returns:
    • TYPE: copy of the value in the database OR pointer to the value in the database
  • TYPE can be a pointer though it is not recommended because it will return a pointer to the underlying data in the database. If the database is updated, the pointer will be invalidated.
  • For strings it is recommended to use DB::GetString<enum_type e>() which returns a Shooby::FixedString which is a wrapper for char array in the size of the string max length.


flowchart TD
A["DB::Get<\TYPE>(enum type)"] --> B(TYPE validity check)
B --> C(Lock DB mutex)
C --> D{Is TYPE a pointer?}
D --> |YES| E("Return pointer to DB RAM data (UNSAFE)")
D --> |NO| F(Return copy of DB RAM data)
F --> G(Unlock mutex DB)
E --> G


Use FixedString<size_t LEN> DB::GetString<enum_type E>() to get a safe string from the database.

  • Parameters:
  • Template parameter:
    • E: enum of the string value to get
  • Returns:
    • FixedString: copy of the string in the database in a buffer of the max size of the string config as defined in the Shooby::MetaMap
  • For the FixedString API see shooby_utilities.h : FixedString


flowchart TD
A["DB::GetString<\enum_type E>()"] --> B(E validity check - E must be a string)
B --> C(Lock DB mutex)
C --> D(Copy string from DB RAM data to FixedString buffer)
D --> E(Unlock mutex DB)
E --> F(Return FixedString)


Lightweight configurations database for real time embedded systems in c++20






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