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Probability and Stochastic Processes - probability and statistics with applications. Reliability of systems. Discrete and continuous random variables. Expectations, functions of random variables, and linear regression. Sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. Joint, marginal, and conditional distribution and densities.

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probability and stochastic processes

Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability

1. experiments, models, and probabilities

theorem 1.1 demorgan's law related all three basic operations $(A \cup B)^c = (A^c \cap B^c)$

theorem 1.2 for mutually exclusive events $A_1$ and $A_2$, $P[A_1 \cup A_2] = P[A_1] + P[A_2]$

theorem 1.3 $text{If } A = A_1 \cup A_2 \cup \cdots \cup A_m \text{ and } A_i \cap A_j = \emptyset \text { for all } i \neq j \text{ , then }$

$$ P[A] = \sum_{i=1}^m P[A_i] $$

theorem 1.4 The probability measure $P[.]$ is a function that satisfies the following properties:

  • $P[\emptyset] = 0$

  • $P[A^c] = 1 - P[A]$

  • For any A and B (not necessarily mutually exclusive), $P[A \cup B] = P[A] + P[B] - P[A \cap B]$

  • $A \subset B, P[A] \leq P[B]$

Theorem 1.5 The probability of an event $B = {s_1, s_2, \cdots, s_m}$ is the sum of the probabilities of the outcomes contained in the event:

$$ P[B] = \sum_{i=1}^m P[{s_i}] $$

theorem 1.6 For an experiment with sample space $S = {s_1, s_2, \cdots, s_n}$ in which each outcomes $s_i$ is equally likely,

$$P[{s_i}] = \frac{1}{n} \space \space \space 1 ≤ i ≤ n$$

theroem 1.7 A conditional probability measure $P[A|B]$ has the following properties that correspond to the axioms of probability:

Axiom 1: $P[A|B] \geq 0$

Axiom 2: $P[B|B] = 1$

Axiom 3: If $A = A_1 \cup A_2 \cup \cdots \cup A_m$ and $A_i \cap A_j = \emptyset$ for all $i \neq j$, then

$$P[A|B] = P[A_1|B] + P[A_2|B] + \cdots + P[A_m|B]$$

Theorem 1.8 For a partition $B = {B_1, B_2, \cdots, B_m}$ and any event $A$ in the sample space, let $C_i = A \cap B_i$ For $i ≠ j$, the events $C_i$ and $C_j$ are mutually exclusive and $A = C_1 \cup C_2 \cup \cdots$

Theorem 1.9 For any event $A$ and partition ${B_1, B_2, \cdots, B_m}$

$$P[A] = \sum_{i=1}^m P[A \cap B_i$$

Theorem 1.10 Law of total probability

For a partition ${ B_1, B_2, \cdots, B_m }$ with $P[B_i] > 0$ for all $i$,

$$ P[A] = \sum_{i=1}^m P[A|B_i] P[B_i] $$

Theorem 1.11 Bayes' theorem

$$ P[B|A] = \frac{P[A|B] P[B]}{P[A]} $$

Definition 1.1 Outcome An outcome of an experiment is a possible result of the experiment.

Definition 1.2 Sample space The sample space of an experiment is the finest-grain, mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive set of all possible outcomes of the experiment.

Definition 1.3 Event An event is a subset of the sample space.

Definition 1.4 Axioms of Probability A probability measure $P[.]$ is a function that maps events in the sample spacce to real numbers such that

Axiom 1 For any event $A$, $P[A] \geq 0$

Axiom 2 $P[S] = 1$

Axiom 3 For any countable collection $A_1, A_2, \cdots$ of mutually exclusive events,

$$ P[A_1 \cup A_2 \cup \cdots] = P[A_1] + P[A_2] + \cdots $$

Definition 1.5 Conditional probability The conditional probability of an event $A$ given the occurance of the event B is

$$ P[A|B] = {P[AB] \over P[B]}$$

Conditional probability is defined only when $P[B] > 0$.

Definition 1.6 Two independent events Two events $A$ and $B$ are independent if

$$ P[AB] = P[A]P[B] $$

Definition 1.7 Three Independent Events $A_1, A_2, A_3$ are mutually exclusive and independent if and only if

(a) $A_1$ and $A_2$ are independent

(b) $A_2$ and $A_3$ are independent

(c) $A_1$ and $A_3$ are independent

(d) $P[A_1 \cap A_2 \cap A_3] = P[A_1]P[A_2]P[A_3]$

Definition 1.8 More than Two Independent Events

If $n ≥ 3$ events $A_1, A_2, \cdots, A_n$ are mutually independent if an only if

(a) all collections of $n - 1$ events chosen from $A_1, A_2, \cdots, A_n$ are mutually independent,

(b) $P[A_1 \cap A_2 \cap \cdots \cap A_n] = P[A_1]P[A_2] \cdots P[A_n]$

2. Sequential Experiments

Theorem 2.1 An experiment consists of two subexperiments. If one subexperiment has $k$ outcomes and the other has $n$ outcomes, then the experiment has $kn$ outcomes.

Theorem 2.2 The number of k-permutations of $n$ distinguishable objects is

$$ {n \choose k} = {(n)_k \over k! } = {n! \over {k! (n - k)!}}$$

Theorem 2.4 Given $m$ distinguishable objects, there are $m^n$ ways to choose ith replacement an ordered sample of n objects.

Theorem 2.5 For $n$ repitions of a subexperiment with sample space $S_sub = {s_1, s_2, \cdots, s_m-1}$, the sample space $S$ of the sequential experiment has $m^n$ outcomes.

Theorem 2.6 The number of observation sequences for $n$ subexperiments with sample space $S = {0,1}$ with $0$ appearing $n_0$ times and $1$ appearing $n_1 = n - n_0$ times is $n \choose n_1$.

Theorem 2.7 For n reptitions of a subexperiment with sample space $S = {s_0, s_1, \cdots, s_m-1}$, the number of length $n = n_0 + n_1 + \cdots + n_{m-1}$ observation sequences with $s_i$ appearing $n_i$ times is

$$ {n \choose n_0, n_1, \cdots, n_{m-1}} = {n! \over {n_0! n_1! \cdots n_{m-1}!}} $$

Theorem 2.8 The probability of $n_0$ failures and $n_1$ successes in $n = n_0 + n_1$ independent trials is

$$ P[E_{n_0, n_1}] = {n \choose n_1} (1-p)^{n-n_1} p^n_1 = {n \choose n_0} (1-p)^{n_0} p^{n - n_0} $$

Theorem 2.9 A subexperiment has sample space $S = {s_0, s_1, \cdots, s_m-1}$ with $P[s_i] = p_i$ for $n = n_0 + n_1 + \cdots + n_{m-1}$ independent trials, the probability of $n_i$ occurrences of $s_i$, $i = 0, 1, \cdots, m-1$ is

$$ P[E_{n_0, n_1, \cdots, n_{m-1}}] = {n \choose n_0, n_1, \cdots, n_{m-1}} p_0^{n_0} p_1^{n_1} \cdots p_{m-1}^{n_{m-1}} $$

Definition 2.1 $n$ choose $k$ For an integer $n ≥ 0$, we define

$$ {n \choose k} = \begin{cases} {n! \over {k! (n - k)!}} & k = 0, 1, \dots, n, \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \ \end{cases} $$

Definition 2.2 Multinomial coefficient $\space \text{For an integer n ≥ 0, we define }$

$${n \choose n_0, n_1, \dots, n_{m-1}} = {n! \over {n_0! n_1! \cdots n_{m-1}!}}$$

3. Discrete Random Variables

Theorem 3.1 For a discrete random variable X with PMF $P_X(x)$ and range $S_X: $

$\text{(a) For any x,} \space P_X(x) ≥ 0$

$\text{(b) } \sum_{x \in S_x} P_X(x) = 1$

$\text{(c) For any event} B \subset S_x, \space \text{The probability that X is in the set B is }$

$$P[B] = \sum_{x \in B} P_X(x)$$

Theorem 3.2 For any discrete random variable $X$ with range $S_x = { x_1, x_2, \dots }$ satisfying $x_1 ≤ x_2 ≤ \dots $,

$\text{(a) } F_X=(-\infty) = 0 \space \text{and} \space F_X(\infty) = 1 $

$\text{(b) For all } x' ≥ x, F_X(x') ≥ F_X(x) $

$\text{(c) For all } x' > x, F_X(x') > F_X(x) $

$\text{(d) } F_X(x) = F_X(x_i) \text{for all x such that } x_i ≤ x ≤ x_{i+1} $

Theorem 3.3 For all $b > a$, $F_X(b) - F_X(a) = P[a < X ≤ b] $

Theorem 3.4 The Bernoulli $(p)$ random variable $X$ has expected value $E[X] = p$

Theorem 3.5 The geometirc $(p)$ random variable $X$ has expect value $E[X] = 1/p$

Theorem 3.6

(a) For the binomial $(n, p)$ random variable $X$ of Definition 3.6

$$ E[X] = np \space $$

(b) For the Pascal $(k, p)$ random variable $X$ of Definition 3.7

$$ E[X] = k/p $$

(c) For the discrete uniform $(k, l)$ random variable $X$ of Definition 3.8

$$ E[X] = \frac{k + l}{2} $$

Theorem 3.8 Perfom $n$ Bernoulli trials. In each trial, let the probability of success be ${\alpha} / n$, where ${\alpha} > 0$ is a constant and $n >\alpha.$ Let the random variable $K_n$ be the number of successes in the $n$ trials. As $n \rightarrow \infty, P_{K_n}(k)$ converges to the PMF of a Poisson $(\alpha)$ random variable.

Theorem 3.9 For a discrete random variable $X$, the PMF of $Y = g(X)$ is

$$ P_Y(y) = \sum_{x: g(x) = y} P_X(x) $$

Theorem 3.10 Given a random variable $X$ with PMF $P_X(x),$ and the derived random variable $Y = g(x),$ the expected value of $Y$ is

$$ E[Y] = \mu_Y = \sum_{x \in S_x} g(x) P_X(x) $$

Theorem 3.11 For any random variable $X$

$$ E[X - \mu_{X}] = 0 $$

Theorem 3.12 For any random variable $X$

$$ E[aX + b] = aE[X] + b $$

Theorem 3.13 In the absence of observations, the minimum mean square error estimate random variable $X$ is

$$ \hat x = E[X] $$

Theorem 3.14

$$ Var[X] = E[X^2] - \mu^2_X = E[X^2] - (E[X])^2 $$

Theorem 3.15

$$ Var[aX + b] = a^2 Var[X] $$

Theorem 3.16

(a) If X is Bernoiulli $(p)$, then $Var[X] = p(1-p)$

(b) If X is geometric $(p)$, then $Var[X] = ({1-p})/{p^2}$

(c) If X is binomial $(n, p)$, then $Var[X] = np(1 - p)$

(d) If X is Pascal $(k, p)$, then $Var[X] = k(1 - p)/p^2$

(e) If X is Poisson $(\alpha)$ then $Var[X] = \alpha$

(f) If X is discrete uniform (k, l), then $Var[X] = (l - k)(l - k + 2)/12$

Definition 3.1 Random Variable

A random variable consists of an experiment with a probability measure $P[.]$ defined on a sample space S and a function that assigns a real number to each outcome in the sample spacce of the experiment.

Definition 3.2 Discrete Random Variable $X$ is a discrete random variable if the range of $X$ is a countable set.

$$ S_X = { x_1, x_2, \dots } $$

Definition 3.3 Probability Mass Function PMF The probability mass function (PMF) of a discrete random variable $X$ is a function that assigns a probability to each value in the range of $X$

$$ P_X(x) = P[X = x] $$

Definition 3.4 Bernoulii (p) Random Variable $X$ is a Bernoulli $(p)$ random variable if the PMF of X has the form

$$ {P_X(x)} = \begin{cases} {1-p} & x = 0 \\ {p} & x = 1 \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases} $$

$\text{where the parameter p is on the range } 0 < p < 1 $

Definition 3.5 Geometric (p) Random Variable $X$ is a geometric $(p)$ random variable if the PMF of $X$ has the form

$$ {P_X(x)} = \begin{cases} {p(1-p)^{x-1}} & x = 1, 2, 3, \dots \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases} $$

where the parameter p is on the range $0 < p < 1$

Definition 3.6 Binomial $\text{(n, p)}$ Random Variable X is a binomial (n, p) random variable if the PMF of X has the form

$$ P_X(s) = {n \choose x} p^x (1-p)^{n-x} $$

where $0 < p < 1$ and n is an integer such that $n ≥ 1$

Definition 3.7 Pascal $\text{(k, p)}$ Random Variable

$$ P_X(x) = {{x-1} \choose {k-1}} p^k (1-p)^{x-k} $$

where $0 < p < 1$ and k is an integer such that $k ≥ 1$

Definition 3.8 Discrete Uniform $\text{(k, l)}$ Random Variable $X$ is a discrete uniform $(k, l)$ random variable if the PMF of X has the form

$$ {P_X(x)} = \begin{cases} {1}/{(l - k + 1)} & x = k, k + 1, k + 2 , ... \space , l \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases} $$

where the parameters k and l are integers such that $k < l.$

Definition 3.9 Poisson $(\alpha)$ Random Variable $X$ is a Poisson $(\alpha)$ random variable if the PMF of X has the form

$$ P_X(x) = \begin{cases} {{\alpha^x e^{-\alpha}}/{x!}} \space & x = 0, 1, 2,\dots , \\ 0 & \space \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases} $$

where the parameter $\alpha$ is in the range $\alpha > 0$

Definition 3.10 Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a discrete random variable $X$ is a function that assigns a probability to each value in the range of $X$.

$$ F_X(x) = P[X \leq x] $$

Definition 3.11 Mode A mode of random variable $X$ is a number $x_{mod}$ satisfying $P_X(x_{mod}) ≥ P_X(x)$ for all $x$

Definition 3.12 Median A median $x_{med}$ of random variable $X$ is a number that satisfies

$$ P[X \leq x_{med}] = 1/2, \space{} \space{} P[X \geq x_{med}] = 1/2 $$

Definition 3.13 Expected Value The expected value of $X$ is

$$ E[X] = \mu_{X} = \sum_{x \in S_X} x P_X(x) $$

Definition 3.14 Derived Random Variable Each sample value y of a derived random variable $Y$ is a mathematical function $g(x)$ of a sample value $x$ of another random variable $X$. We adopt the notation $Y = g(X)$ to describe the relationship of the two random variables.

Definition 3.15 Variance The variance of random variable $X$ is

$$ Var[X] = \sigma^2_X = E[(X - \mu{X})^2] $$

Definition 3.16 Standard Deviation The standard deviation of random variable $X$ is

$$ \sigma_X = \sqrt{Var[X]} $$

Definition 3.17 Moments For random variable $X$

(a) The nth moment is $E[X^n]$

(b) The nth central moment is $E[(X - \mu_X)^n]$

4. Continuous Random Variables

Theorem 4.1 For any random variable $X$,

(a) $F_X(-\infty) = 0$

(b) $F_X(\infty) = 1$

(c) $P[x_1 < X ≤ x_2] = F_X(x_2) - F_X(x_1)$

Theorem 4.2 For a continuous random variable $X$, with PMF $f_X(x)$,

(a) $f_X(x) ≥ 0 \text{ for all x, } $

(b) $f_X(x) = \int_{-\infty}^{x} f_X(u) \space du, $

(c) $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f_X(x) dx = 1$

Theorem 4.3

$$ P[x_1 < X ≤ x_2] = \int_{x_1}^{x_2} f_X(x) dx $$

Theorem 4.4 The expected value of a function, $g(X)$, of random variable $X$ is

$$ E[g(X)] = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} g(x) f_X(x) dx $$

Theorem 4.5 For any random variable $X$,

(a) $E[X - \mu{X} ] = 0 $

(b) $E[aX + b] = aE[X] + b $

(c) $Var[X] = E[X^2] - {\mu{^2}}_X $

(d) $Var[aX + b] = a^2 Var[X] $

Theorem 4.6 If $X$ is a uniform $(a, b)$ random variable,

  • The CDF of $X$ is

$$F_X(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & x < a \\ {(x - a)}/{(b - a)} & a ≤ x ≤ b \\ 1 & x > b \\ \end{cases} $$

  • The expected value of $X$ is $E[X] = {(a + b)}/{2} $

  • The variabce of $X$ is $Var[X] = {(b - a)^2}/{12} $

Theorem 4.7 Let $X$ be a uniform $(a, b)$ random variable, where $a$ and $b$ are both integers. Let $K = \lceil X \rceil$. Then $K$ is a discrete uniform $(a + 1, b)$ random variable.

Theorem 4.8 If $X$ is an exponential $(\lambda)$ random variable,

  • The CDF of $X$ is

$$F_X(x) = \begin{cases} 1 - e^{-\lambda x} & x ≥ 0 \\ 0 & otherwise \\ \end{cases}$$

  • The expected value of $X$ is $E[X] = {1}/{\lambda} $

  • The variance of $X$ is $Var[X] = {1}/{\lambda^2} $

Theorem 4.9 If $X$ is an exponential $(\lambda)$ random variable, then $K = \lceil X \rceil$ is a geometric $(p)$ random variable with $p = 1 - e^{-\lambda}$

Theorem 4.10 If $X$ is an Erlang $(n, \lambda)$ random variable, then

$\text{(a) } E[X] = {n\over{(\lambda)}} $

$\text{(b) } Var[X] = {n\over{(\lambda)^2}} $

Theorem 4.11 Let $K_\alpha$ denote a Poisson $\alpha$ random variable. For any $x &gt; 0$, the CDF of an Erlang $(n, \lambda)$ random variable $X$ satisfies,

$$ F_X(x) = 1 - F_{K_\alpha}(n - 1) = \begin{cases} 1 - \sum_{k = 0}^{n - 1} \frac{(\lambda x)^k e^{-\lambda x}}{k!} & x ≥ n \\ 0 & otherwise \\ \end{cases} $$

Theorem 4.12 If $X$ is a Gaussian $(\mu, \sigma)$ random variable, then

$$ E[X] = \mu \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space Var[X] = \sigma^2 $$

Theorem 4.13 If $X$ is a Gaussian $(\mu, \sigma), Y = aX + b$ is Gaussian $(a\mu + b, a\sigma)$

Theorem 4.14 If $X$ is a Gaussian $(\mu, \sigma)$ random variable, the CDF of $X$ is

$$ F_X(x) = \Phi \left( \frac{x - \mu}{\sigma} \right) $$

The probability that $X$ is in the interval $(a, b]$ is

$$ P[a < X ≤ b] = \Phi \left( \frac{b - \mu}{\sigma} \right) - \Phi \left( \frac{a - \mu}{\sigma} \right) $$

Theorem 4.15 $\space \space \Phi(-z) = 1 - \Phi(z)$

Theorem 4.16 For any continuous function g(x),

$$ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} g(x) \delta(x - x_0) dx = g(x_0) $$

Theorem 4.17 $\int_{-\infty}^{x} \delta(v) dv = u(x) $

Theorem 4.18 For a random variable $X$, we have the folloing equivalent statements:

$\text{(a) } P[X = x_0] = q$

$\text{(b) } P[x_0] = q$

$\text{(c) } F_X(x_{0}^+) - F_X(x_{0}^-) = q$

$\text{(d) } f_x(x_0) = q \delta(0)$

Definition 4.1 Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of random variable $X$ is $F_X(x) = P[X ≤ x]$

Definition 4.2 Continuous Random Variable $X$ is a continuous random variable if the CDF F_X(x) is a continuous function.

Definition 4.3 Probability Density Function (PDF) The probability density function (PDF) of a continuous random variable $X$ is

$$f_X(x) = \frac{dF_X(x)}{dx}$$

Definition 4.4 Expected Value The expected value of a random variable $X$ is

$$E[X] = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} x f_X(x) dx$$

Definition 4.5 Uniform Random Variable $X$ is a uniform $(a, b)$ random variable if the PDF of $X$ is $f_X(x)$, and where the parameter $\lambda &gt; 0$

$$f_X(x) = \begin{cases} {1}/{(b - a)} & \space a ≤ x ≤ b \\ 0 & \space otherwise \\ \end{cases} $$

Definition 4.6 Exponential Random Variable $X$ is an exponential (\lambda) random variable if the PDF of $X$ is $f_X(x)$, and where the parameter $\lambda &gt; 0$

$$f_x(x) = \begin{cases} \lambda e^{-\lambda x} & \space x ≥ 0 \\ 0 & \space otherwise \\ \end{cases} $$

Definition 4.7 Erlang Random Variable $X$ is an Erlang $(n, \lambda)$ random variable if the PDF of $X$ is $f_X(x)$ where the parameter $\lambda &gt; 0$, and the parameter $n ≥ 1$ is an integer.

$$f_X(x) = \begin{cases} \frac{\lambda^n x^{n - 1} e^{-\lambda x}}{(n - 1)!} & \space x ≥ n \\ 0 & \space otherwise \\ \end{cases} $$

Definition 4.8 Gaussian Random Variable $X$ is a Gaussian $(\mu, \sigma)$ random variable if the PDF of $X$ is $f_X(x)$ where the parameter $\mu$ can be any real number and the parameter $\sigma &gt; 0$

$$\begin{align} f_X(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} e^{-{(x - \mu)^2}/{2\sigma^2}} \end{align}$$

Definition 4.9 Standard Normal Random Variable The standard normal random variable $Z$ is the Gaussian $(0, 1)$ random variable.

Definition 4.10 Standard Normal CDF The CDF of the standard normal random variable $Z$ is

$$\Phi(z) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int_{-\infty}^{z} e^{-{u^2}/{2}} du$$

Definition 4.11 Standard Normal Complementary CDF The standard normal complementary CDF is

$$ Q(z) = P[Z > z] = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int_{z}^{\infty} e^{-{u^2}/{2}} du = 1 - \Phi(z)$$

Definition 4.12 Unit Impluse (Delta) Function Let

$$\delta(x) = \begin{cases} 1/{\epsilon} & -\epsilon/2 ≤ x ≤ \epsilon/2 \\ 0 & \space otherwise \\ \end{cases} $$

The unit impulse function

$$\delta(x) = \lim_{x \to 0} d_{\epsilon}(x)$$

Definition 4.13 Unit Step Function The unit step function is

$$u(x) = \begin{cases} 1 & x < 0 \\ 0 & x ≥ 0 \\ \end{cases} $$

Definition 4.14 Mixed Random Variable $X$ is a mixed random variable if and only if $F_X(x)$ contains both impluses and nonzero, finite values.


Probability and Stochastic Processes - probability and statistics with applications. Reliability of systems. Discrete and continuous random variables. Expectations, functions of random variables, and linear regression. Sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. Joint, marginal, and conditional distribution and densities.






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