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MoriyaShiine edited this page Apr 28, 2024 · 62 revisions

Welcome to the extra-origins wiki! This wiki does not contain the list of powers, just the list of power types, conditions, and actions to help with data pack creation. Powers can be found here.

Power Types

extraorigins:can_walk_on_powder_snow Allows an entity to walk on Powder Snow as if they were wearing Leather Boots. Allows conditions.

extraorigins:delayed_hitbox Allows an entity to be hit after an attacker's crosshair has left its hitbox for a certain amount of ticks.

extraorigins:food_effect_immunity Grants Status Effect immunity from food effects, such as Hunger from Rotten Flesh. Allows conditions.

extraorigins:innate_unbreaking Causes tools to have an innate level of the Unbreaking enchantment that stacks with the actual enchantment.

extraorigins:mob_neutrality Prevents mobs from attacking or fleeing from the entity unless the entity attacks first. Allows conditions.

extraorigins:modify_air_strafing_speed Modifies the velocity of an entity while in the air. Allows conditions.

extraorigins:modify_item_attribute Modifies the attributes of an item and displays the attributes in the item's tooltip.

  • equipment_slot: A String. Determines which equipment slot to check for the item. Accepts "mainhand", "offhand", "head", "chest", "legs", and "feet".
  • item_condition: An Item Condition. Optional, defaults to null (all items).
  • tick_rate: An Integer. The frequency (in ticks) with which to check the condition. Lower values mean the condition changes are detected more quickly, but this comes at a potentially huge performance cost.
  • update_health: A Boolean. Determines whether the health percentage will update to match the entity's new maximum health.
  • modifier: An Attribute Modifier. Optional, defaults to null.
  • modifiers: An Array of Attribute Modifiers. Optional, defaults to null.

extraorigins:modify_size Changes the entity's scale. Allows conditions.

  • scale_types: An Array of Scale Type Identifiers. There is a built in Scale Type that can be used, extraorigins:modify_size, which contains width, height, drop size, and visibility.
  • scale: A Float.

extraorigins:prevent_block_slowness Prevents the entity from being slowed by blocks, such as Cobwebs. Allows conditions.

extraorigins:radial_menu Allows actions to be run from an in game menu, up to four directions (up, down, left, right). Allows conditions.

  • key: A Key.
  • sprite_location: An Identifier to be used as the menu's texture.
  • up_action: An Entity Action Type that is executed when the radial menu's direction is set to up. Defaults to null.
  • down_action: An Entity Action Type that is executed when the radial menu's direction is set to down. Defaults to null.
  • left_action: An Entity Action Type that is executed when the radial menu's direction is set to left. Defaults to null.
  • right_action: An Entity Action Type that is executed when the radial menu's direction is set to right. Defaults to null.
  • lost_action: An Entity Action Type that is executed when the radial menu power is lost. Defaults to null.
  • swap_time: An Integer that determines how long it takes to change directions. Defaults to 20.
  • default_direction: The Radial Menu Direction that the power starts at. Defaults to up.

extraorigins:random_power_granter Causes an entity to have 3 additional random powers that change every 5 to 15 minutes.

extraorigins:start_riding Causes an entity to ride a player. Allows conditions.


extraorigins:fertilizable A Block Condition that returns true if the block can be grown using Bone Meal.

extraorigins:shot_from_crossbow A Damage Condition that returns true if the entity is a projectile shot from a Crossbow.

extraorigins:piglin_safe An Entity Condition that returns true if the dimension the entity is in is safe for Piglins.

extraorigins:radial_menu_direction An Entity Condition that returns true if the entity's radial direction from a Radial Menu power is the same as the direction field.


extraorigins:block_action_looking_at An Entity Action that performs a Block Action and an Entity Action (or actions) if a Block Condition is met at the block the entity is looking at.