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My archive with project from Ecole42 (school21 in Russia)


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My archive with projects (only interesting ones) from Ecole42 (school21 in Russia)

Separate in every project dirs.

Current list of archived projects

Language Project name Description
python_badge Piscine Python DS Learning DS in Python by various tasks (10 days and 2 rushes in a row)
cpp_badge webserver Own implementation of webserver (like nginx) with custom configs
cpp_badge ft_containers Rewriting of some STL containers: <vector>, <stack>, <map> and <set> (based on RB-tree)
c_badge minishell Own implementation of shell with syntax anaylysis, parsing, IPC and so on
c_badge miniRT Raytracing project with multi-threading
c_badge fract'ol Little graphic object with fractals drawing
c_badge philosophers Two classic multithreading and IPC problems
c_badge ft_printf Own implementation of system printf function with %s, %d, %f and other + various flags