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Asset Search

Krzysiek Justyński edited this page Dec 30, 2022 · 19 revisions

Feature available since version 1.3. It requires UE 5.1 if you'd like to use it without modifying the engine.

It's based on the engine plugin added in UE 4.26. The plugin is marked as beta, probably because of the search performance.

Using the feature

  • Make sure the Asset Search plugin is enabled in your project.
  • Open the Search tab. You can do this via the Tools menu in UE5, or the Window menu in UE4.
  • If you never used this Search yet, check the status of "missing indexes assets" in the bottom right corner. Click it, and it gonna index all assets supported by the Asset Search. It can take many minutes, depending on your project size.
  • Wait until indexing finishes and the status in the bottom left corner is Ready again.

Limiting Search by asset type

If you merged my last PR from the list above, you can exclude specific asset types from Asset Search indexing. Either on the project level (via Project Settings) or user level (Editor Preferences). Simply configure Search Roles.

Here's the list of asset types supported out-of-box, hardcoded in the engine's code. (as of UE 5.0) image

Not yet approved pull requests.

Unlocking feature prior to UE 5.1

You can unlock this feature in older engine versions if you're compiling the engine from the source.