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Wiki Pages: Home | Setup | Options | Methods | Callbacks | Log


initialized (v2.4)

  • This callback is executed after the plugin has finished initialization.

  • Set up the option as follows:

      initialized : function(api){
        // api = visualNav object

beforeAnimation (v2.3)

  • This callback is executed immediately before the plugin animates the page to the selected content.

  • This callback is not executed if the user manually scrolls the document.

  • Set up the option as follows:

      beforeAnimation : function(api){
        // api = visualNav object

complete (v2.3)

  • This callback is executed immediately after the plugin has finished animating to the selected content.

  • This callback is not executed if the user manually scrolls the document.

  • Set up the option as follows:

      complete : function(api){
        // api = visualNav object

changed (v2.4)

  • This callback is executed every time the menu (hash) changes.

  • So going from the first to third menu item, the changed callback will fire off twice (2nd & 3rd menu item), then fire off the complete callback.

  • Set up the option as follows:

      changed : function(api){
        // api = visualNav object

Access the API (visualNav object)

  • Access the api directly as follows:

    var api = $('#menu').data('visualNav');

    or as a parameter from the callback function

      complete : function(api) {
        // api = visualNav object

API variables


  • A jQuery object of the menu wrapper, or element the plugin was initialized upon.
  • This would be $('#menu') in the examples above.


  • A jQuery object of all menu control links, not the control links within the content (defined by the contentLinks option).
  • Links with a class name from the externalLinks option are not included in this variable.
  • Links within an element with the class name from the externalLinks option will not be included in this variable.


  • A jQuery object of menu items selected by the selectedAppliedTo option.
  • This variable will not include elements if it has class name from the externalLinks option, because then it's not a menu item.
  • This variable will not include elements that don't contain a link (a by default).


  • A jQuery object of the current menu item.
  • This variable will updated prior to the changed callback function, so it should always be correct.


  • A jQuery object of the previous menu item.
  • This variable is updated prior to the changed callback function.
  • Upon initialization of the plugin, this variable will be the same as the api.$curItem.


  • A jQuery object of all content blocks as selected by the contentClass option.
  • This variable will change when the update method is called.


  • A jQuery object of the currently active content.
  • This current content block will get a class name added from the currentContent option.
  • The current content block will match the id/class obtained from the api.$curItem within the targetAttr attribute, i.e. if the link's href is #home, that will also be the id of the current content block.


  • This contains the current hash from the window location hash.
  • Used to update the windows hash after the animation has completed.
  • This variable is set before the beforeAnimation callback, so if you wanted, you can change the resulting window hash used before the completed callback.


  • A jQuery object of the scrollable page element
  • This will either be the html or body depending on which browser is being used.
  • See the horizontal demo, the horizontal mousewheel function, on how to use this.


  • This is an object that contains all of the plugin's options.
  • Access, but cautiously change, any of the options.

API functions


  • Call this function after changing the number of menu and content elements.
  • You do not need to call this function if the content within the menu or content elements changed.


  • Animate to any selector within the content.
  • The selector can be:
    • A jQuery selection string, e.g. api.animate('#work');.
    • A jQuery object, e.g. api.animate( $('#work') );.
  • The selector can point to:
    • The content block itself.
    • Any element within the content block.


  • Update the menu in case something messes up.
  • This function is called every time the page scrolls or window is resized.