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100 Days Of Code - Log (Round 2)

Day 1: November 16, 2017

Today's Progress: Great start with the first module to the SharePoint Fundamentals. Developed my first "Hello World" SharePoint Webpart with React. I also revisited Free Code Camp and studied JavaScript under the Front End Development Certificate.

Thoughts: I'm excited to continue learning and applying my skills from React to SharePoint. This will require more study on React and ES6.

Training:SPFx Youtube Video Work: Free Code Camp Tribute Page

Day 2: November 18, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed more FreeCodeCamp JavaScript module...alomost done! Read more on SharePoint REST APIs and played in code with CRUD.

Thoughts: This is quite a long module, estimated to take 10 hours to complete. The SharePoint CRUD process will more than likely be used frequently in my new job.

Link to training: Rest API Reference

Day 3: November 19, 2017

Today's Progress: The FreeCodeCamp JavaScript module is dooooonnnneee! Moving on to Object Oriented and Functional Programming next. Broke my "Hello World" webpart to better understand how SharePoint works with React. Started reviewing SQL Database Fundamentals on the Microsoft Virtual Academy.

Thoughts: Feeling pretty good about completing the JavaScript but I still have a lot to learn and topics to review as a refresher.

Training MVA SQL Fundamentals

Day 4: November 20, 2017

Today's Progress: Reviewed LeanKit Kanban tutorial and brushed up on SCRUM. Reviewed more of the SharePoint Framework and broke my "Hello World" web part for fun.

Thoughts: Started my new job as a SharePoint Developer today. My PM asked about REST APIs and I'm so glad I was able to answer his question based on studying the day before.

Training: LeanKit Tutorial

Day 5: November 21, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed FreeCodeCamp excercises on Object Oriented and Functional Programming and started Basic Algorithm Scripting. Also reviewed Microsoft InfoPath Forms Services.

Thoughts The algorithm scripting excercises were challenging but rewarding after I completed a few -- very time consuming. Researched InfoPath Form Services and quickly learned that Microsoft is no longer continuing development but will support the program until 2023. The Microsoft Ignite conference in September, recommended using PowerApps as a replacement.


  1. Reverse A String
  2. Factorialize a Number


  1. Microsoft InfoPath
  2. Microsoft Ignite PowerApps

Day 6: November 22, 2017

Today's Progress: Learned more about using markdown to develop a more robust learning tracker. Used my fellow code newbie as a reference: Syk Houdeib's Learning Tracker. Reviewed more on the JavaScript client object model in SharePoint.

Thoughts I'm enjoying building/updating my learning accountability tool. I was very limited on time to study SharePoint but should have a full day available on Friday to tackle this monster.

Work: Mo's Learning Tracker (A.K.A. The site your currently reading...)

Training: Microsoft Basic JavaScript Operations in Sharepoint

Day 7: November 24, 2017

Today's Progress: Brushed up on CSS with Flexbox Froggy and watched more SharePoint Framework videos.

Thoughts Took the holiday off yesterday for Thanksgiving. I'm still uncomfortably full while I study - but this is part of my commitment to coding. :) I will hopefully have a few hours tomorrow to deep dive more into SharePoint Framework.

Work: Flexbox Froggy

Training: SharePoint Framework Training Module1 Section3

Day 8: November 25, 2017

Today's Progress: More CSS fun with Grid Garden and started the Watch and Code JavaScript Course as a refresher.

Thoughts Decided to go back to the basics since I'm far too comfortable with CSS and JavaScript frameworks, such as Bootstrap, JQuery and React. Going back to vanilla JS for now.

Work: Grid Garden

Training: Practical JavaScript Watch and Code

Day 9: November 26, 2017

Today's Progress: Completed functions through Watch and Code, updated my portfolio website and reviewed reusable code for SharePoint webparts.

Thoughts Slowly making my way through the Wand and Code tutorial. It's pretty basic right now but good to see JS from another perspective.

Work: My Portfolio Website

Training: Practical JavaScript Watch and Code

Day 10: November 27, 2017

Today's Progress: FreeCodeCamp basic algorithm scripting and more Watch and Code.

Thoughts My attempt at the "Check for Palindromes" on FCC is pretty lack luster. I'm currently reviewing documentation on String.prototype.replace() and String.prototype.toLowerCase()

Work: FreeCodeCamp

Training: Practical JavaScript Watch and Code

Day 11: November 28, 2017

Today's Progress: FreeCodeCamp basic algorithm scripting and more Watch and Code.

Thoughts And BOOM! I figured out about 90% of solution prior to checking Stack Overflow. I got tricked up a bit on how to remove the characters. And...only one video on WatchAndCode. I spent majority of my time reviewing the Skillcrush website and ultimately purchased the freelance blueprint. I've been approached recently to build and website and a Learning Management System (LMS). I'm hoping to build a decent LMS on Wordpress to allow the customer to make future minor changes to the website without a developer. I'm excited to see how this may unfold.

Work: FreeCodeCamp

Training: Practical JavaScript Watch and Code

Day 12: November 29, 2017

Today's Progress: FreeCodeCamp basic algorithm scripting and "flip card" code.

Thoughts Completed the "Find the Longest Word in a String" challenge. Additionally, I took time out today to research Github for a CSS/JavaScript flip card snippet. This might work in a SharePoint React app that I've been thinking about.

Work: FreeCodeCamp

Code Sample: Flip Card Code by David Walsh

Day 13: November 30, 2017

Today's Progress: FreeCodeCamp basic algorithm scripting and "Print Area" JS hacking.

Thoughts Completed the "Title Case a Sentence" algorithm. I forgot all about the .slice feature. I explored and played around with slicing at different spots. Found out about a SharePoint developer that was able to dynamically print a list with the proper print area settings. Spent quite some time translating/debugging the code. Made some progress but I will take a deeper look tomorrow.

Work: FreeCodeCamp

Day 14: December 1, 2017

Today's Progress: SharePoint Framework Intro Module 1 Section 4

Thoughts Short day on coding today. Attempted to set up the SPFX environment on a new computer to code a new web part but had to settle on completing a module due to time constraints.

Work: SharePoint Framework Youtube Video

Day 15: December 2, 2017

Today's Progress: Watch And Code Objects

Thoughts Completed the Watch And Code Objects tutorial

Training: Practical JavaScript Watch and Code

Day 16: December 3, 2017

Today's Progress: Another SharePoint Framework tutorial

Thoughts ...

Work: SharePoint Framework Youtube Video

Day 17: December 4, 2017

Today's Progress: Another SharePoint Framework tutorial

Thoughts Completed Module 2 Sections 1 & 2

Work: SharePoint Framework Youtube Video

Day 18: December 5, 2017

Today's Progress: Took time out today to review javascript code to dynamically print a contact list from a SharePoint portal site.

Thoughts I'm excited to get my hands dirty...finally!

Day 19: December 6, 2017

Today's Progress: SharePoint Designer Training

Thoughts Had fun learning how to build apps with SharePoint Designer. This should minimize making unnecessary code when Microsoft has many out of the box options. I learned how to make contacts, custom lists and calendars. I have two more days of class to attend. I truly cannot wait for tomorrow!

Day 20: December 7, 2017

Today's Progress: SharePoint Designer Training Day 2

Thoughts Today we focused on document libraries with custom views and spent half of the day reviewing permissions. I found a few pockets where I could embed HTML code in advance modification areas. I will also research an infopath form that links to several different calendars, lists and document libraries. Tomorrow will be the last day of class. :(

Day 21: December 8, 2017

Today's Progress: SharePoint Designer Training Day 3

Thoughts Had a crack at designing a portal page. It was hard to wrapped my mind around the company template and not to be able to write simple HTML and CSS code to change the layout. However, I understand how this could be useful for employees. It eliminates code and provides drop and drag options similar to a Content Management System (CMS) similar to Wordpress and Drupal.

Day 22: December 10, 2017

Today's Progress: Flexbox Zombies

Thoughts I had a pretty busy weekend due to holiday functions but I'm back today. I'm running on very little sleep, so a fun game seemed more pleasing than reading documentation or breaking something. Today I start to learn flexbox!

Work: Flexbox Zombies

Day 23: December 11, 2017

Today's Progress: JS Print Code and Parallax in SharePoint

Thoughts Revisited the JS print code issue and hoping to figure a out a solution by the end of this week. I also researched plain JS to possibly implement on a SharePoint Wiki page. It's starting to get interesting...

Day 24: December 12, 2017

Today's Progress: React JS SharePoint Web Part

Thoughts Still chugging at finding a print solution at work. Tonight I messed around a bit more on the React "hello world" web part and captured video to show my work pals. I'm hoping to get access the SPfx soon.

Work: Watch Me Learn

Day 25: December 13, 2017

Today's Progress: JS Print Code in SharePoint Web Part

Thoughts I was able to make a button in the content editor web part (CEWP) to easily print a custom list. Still working on making a modal that will provide the user instructions.

Day 26: December 14, 2017

Today's Progress: JS Link to Modify a Custom List' s CSS

Thoughts Messing around with highlighting certain rows within a custom list. I feel disadvantaged because I do not have the proper developer environment yet.

Day 27: December 15, 2017

Today's Progress: First SharePoint Development Win!

Thoughts I experienced my first win today with SharePoint! I was able to finally produce a button to open a modal that would give the user a choice of which columns to include in the print of the phone roster contact list. Now if I can get the JSLink for formatting the CSS attributes...I will be one happy camper

Day 28: December 17, 2017

Today's Progress: Learn Enough Text Editor

Thoughts I really like the format of the Learn Enough Text Editor tutorial. I might start again at the beginning with the command line tut. It doesn't hurt to have a refresher. I miss yesterday due to a holiday party but plan on coding a bit later tonight on FCC algorithms.

Training: LE Text Editor

Day 29: December 18, 2017

Today's Progress: Security+ Training

Thoughts This week I will take a pause from coding to focus on obtaining a Security+ Certification, a requirement for my current position. Today we focused on Domain 1 & 2.

Training: Security+ Certification Objectives

Day 30: December 19, 2017

Today's Progress: Security+ Training

Thoughts Completed Domain 2 and learned about subnetting.

Training: Security+ Certification Objectives

Day 31: January 9, 2018

Today's Progress: Happy New Year!

Thoughts Wow! My holiday break was much needed by I took a little too much time away from my daily logging. I've been quite busy with my new developer position and I LOVE every moment of it. During the time away, I made a work code repository and starting building a demo library for SharePoint administrators. I'm strengthening my JavaScript skills almost every day, however, I need to return to JS tutorials. This weekend my focus will be on preparing for my Security+ certification. Fingers crossed on passing the exam next week.

Training: Security+ Certification Objectives

Day 35: January 22, 2018

Today's Progress: Let's just say it's Day 35 and move forward, okay? Focusing on JS conditionals today.

Thoughts Seriously, I've been in over my head in code, in a good way. Recently I received a Challenge Scholarship from Google and I could not be more grateful! I'm about 45% done with the course and it's only been about 10 days. I will slow down on the JS portion and actually focus on the fundamentals again. Oh, and did I mention that I'm also participating in the CodeNewbie Challenge. Of course I chose to participate in the "Code More" track. This week I will lay out my goals for the upcoming week, and possibly year.

Training: CodeNewbie 2018 Challenge #CNC2018 Grow With Google Scholarship #GWG

Day 36: January 23, 2018

Today's Progress: #GWG JavaScript Conditionals & #CNC2018 Goals.

Thoughts I was able to complete the conditionals tutorial and now I'm moving on to one of my favorites...LOOPS! It is so refreshing to go back to the basics and discover information you brushed past the first time. I also made some time to review the #CNC2018 challenge goals.

Training: CodeNewbie 2018 Challenge Grow With Google Scholarship

Day 37: January 24, 2018

Today's Progress: Bootstrap Scrollspy

Thoughts I developed a decent navigation menu on SharePoint to guide the user through different sections of a SharePoint page. This took more time than I estimated by the finished product was worth it.

Work: Bootstrap Scrollspy Documentation

Day 38: January 25, 2018

Today's Progress: Contact Page Framework

Thoughts Built a dashboard comprised of profile image tiles that provides contact details on a modal after clicking the picture. I found a good template, listed below.

Work: Bootstrap Dashboard Template

Day 39: January 26, 2018

Today's Progress: SPServices

Thoughts Today was the first time I was able to use SPServices to make API calls from a SharePoint list into the Bootstrap framework. There were a few glitches but I was finally able to retrieve the data. The last step is to run a for loop through each list item and place images on a grid. Whew! Hopefully I will be able to complete this task on Monday.

Work: Bootstrap Dashboard Template

Day 40: January 27, 2018

Today's Progress: JSON APIs

Thoughts Finally, a BREAKTHROUGH! I tested the API call on Bootstrap cards and was able to dynamically make each card that would trigger a modal with the corresponding information. I used bootstrap grid and open API for air quality.

Work: Codepen API Testing Bootstrap Gridlock

Day 41: January 28, 2018

Today's Progress: More API practice and Grow With Google

Thoughts Added a github tab to the API practice and a refresher on JS loops through Udacity.

Work: Codepen API Testing Bootstrap Gridlock

Day 42: January 29, 2018

Today's Progress: Grow With Google: JS Loops & Project Complete!

Thoughts Today was exciting! I was anxious to start working in the office on my contacts list project. With the help of a SharePoint Developer Vet, I was able to make an image card for each contact that corresponded with a modal containing contact information. You could even click the hyperlink and email them directly! Yes! Tomorrow, I will work on the CSS to make it more presentable...and I might even add flip-card animation. :) Tonight, I will knock out another lesson on Udacity for my Grow w/Google scholarship. Full speed adhead!

Work: Codepen API Testing Bootstrap Gridlock

Day 43: January 30, 2018

Today's Progress: Grow With Google: JS Functions & Yearbook Group Collaboration

Thoughts Still riding on a coding high... I completed the JS loops and moved forward to the functions lesson. And here is where the fun begins...a group of students were interested in building a Grow With Google 2018 Front End Web Developers Yearbook. I got my hands dirty and built a few animated cards leveraging the lessons learned from my work project. I hate to say it, but the cards look so much better outside of SharePoint.

Work: Github Udacity Yearbook Project My Yearbook Cards Demo Card Inspiration

Day 44: January 31, 2018

Today's Progress: Yearbook Group Collaboration

Thoughts More work on the Yearbook collab with discussion and a touch of style

Work: Github Udacity Yearbook Project

My Yearbook Cards Demo

Card Inspiration

Day 45: February 1, 2018

Today's Progress:



Day 46: February 2, 2018

Today's Progress: Bootstrap V3 Button Group Navigation

Thoughts More work on the Yearbook collab with discussion and a touch of style

Work: Github Udacity Yearbook Project

My Yearbook Cards Demo

Card Inspiration

Day 47: February 5, 2018

Today's Progress: SharePoint Workflows and Bootstrap V3 Button Group Navigation



Day 50: February 5, 2018

Today's Progress: SharePoint Lists Progress Bar and Status Tracker, Grow with Google JavaScript Functions

Thoughts It feels like everyone is calling in sick lately at work due to the flu. I'm hoping it doesn't hit me anytime soon. :( I took some time to update a contact list and add a few requests from the customer. Additionally, I used JS to make a progress bar for a project tracker in SP. It's the small things.

Work: SP Progress Bar

Day 51: February 6, 2018

Today's Progress: SharePoint Lists Progress Bar and Status Tracker, Grow with Google JavaScript Functions

Thoughts It feels like everyone is calling in sick lately at work due to the flu. I'm hoping it doesn't hit me anytime soon. :( I took some time to update a contact list and add a few requests from the customer. Additionally, I used JS to make a progress bar for a project tracker in SP. It's the small things.

Work: SP Progress Bar

Day 52: February 7, 2018

Today's Progress: SharePoint Search Feature



Day 53: February 8, 2018

Today's Progress: SharePoint new item form in a modal the contacts UI.

Thoughts: Ran into another snag today trying to fix a bootstrap vertical navigation bar. The navigation is fixed, which is great for vertical scrolling, however, when the user scrolls right, the navigation blocks the content. At first glance, I assume the body should be fixed to not allow scrolling horizontal scrolling. More to follow tomorrow.

Study: SP Progress Bar

W3 Schools Side Nav

Fixed SharePoint Page Width

Day 54: February 12, 2018

Today's Progress: Grow with Google 2018 Yearbook


Work: Github Udacity Yearbook Project

Day 55: February 17, 2018

Today's Progress: All Things Open Conference

Day 55 - 65: February 18 - 27, 2018

Today's Progress: Grow with Google (Udacity), Telebook (Business Contact Address Book) Application, SP Calendar & custom list conversion.

Thoughts: Once again, I've been up to my eyeballs in code...AND I LOVE IT! I moved out of the javascript module in my Udacity course and started with the DOM section. I've also worked with a few class members on getting the Google Udacity Yearbook application off the ground and organized. It's a thrilling feeling to start something new. At work, I finally completed the Telebook App and added a contact search feature and add/edit contact buttons for functionality. The customer is happy with the final product. On the the next work enterprise calendar and functionality to convert custom lists to Word, PDF and Excel by clicking a button. Whew!


Joel Dsouza SP List Blog Tips


Convert PDF Workflow

SharePoint 2013 Rest API Calls

Moving from SP Services to REST API

Day 66: February 28, 2018

Today's Progress: SharePoint 2013 REST APIs

Thoughts: Another small victory today. When I first made the telebook app, I used SPServices with the help of a coworker. She is has been great teaching me some of the historical ways to develop on the SharePoint platform. Today I recreated the telebook app and used JavaScript REST APIs to retrieve the data. Happy Dance Only thing left is to figure out how to retrieve URL from the picture object, which is a special column on a custom SharePoint list.


Rest API Reference

Blog on REST API picture URL retrieval


Day 67 - 87: March 24, 2018

What Happened to the Daily Logs: I've done a horrible job at logging my daily coding, but please believe, I've been coding EVERY DAY (happily). I've learned a tremendous amount of jQuery and API's. My Grow with Google Scholarship has truly been God sent and helped me to better understand JavaScript.

Today's Progress: SharePoint Saturday Virginia Beach and many days of SharePoint Development

Microsoft Azure Functions: (Fabian Williams) Removes the need for a IDE such as VS Studio. It's an event listening product that can be written in any language: i.e. C# or JavaScript. Creates a "serverless" event-driven experience by building "nanoservices". Azure functions are broken into three sets: Run, Function and Project. Run_ writes the method. Function- contains all service and triggers binding parameters. Project- contains project assembly and NuGet package references. App Service settings, such as connection strings and API keys.

Custom Client SP Web APIs: (Daniel Walker) Walker Gizmos Github The only presentation in SharePoint 2013! Yay! Research:Term stores- term groups & sets.

Framework Components: (John Ramminger Developing reusable js & jQuery components that could be deployed throughout the enterprise. hint: avoid cut and past coding issues

  • Think Generic: Do not use fully referenced URLs in your code.
  • SP Framework; focus on the different imported enviornments under the webpart.ts


  • Twillio services for Azure functions. Azure Stack: Microsoft & vendors to give you access on premises.
  • CodeRush ReSharper: tolls to make coding easier. (other tools: DevExpress, Telerik{Kendo:grid component maker}, Component One etc.) Kendo UI {Charts, Panel Display, timeline/calendar}
  • Content Web Tab Editor-- will only load the tab content on the tab .onclick
  • Timeline App Vis.js: follow-up questions
  • SharePoint Online Context...
  • Question: Can Web parts that has been built in the SPFX be pushed back to SP2013 for use?

-Dev Intersection

  • Andrew Connell's (April Course)
  • Pluralsight
  • Skill Share
  • Lynda

Day 88: April 23, 2018

What Happened to the Daily Logs: we are. Bad News: I'm starting round 3 of 100 Days of Code, as I failed miserably at completing daily logs lately. Good News: I earned the second phase of the Grow with Google Scholarship for the Front End Nanodegree with Udacity!!! Onward and upward! Tomorrow marks Round 3 Day 1! Let's Go!!
