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Mozzo1000 edited this page Jan 12, 2015 · 4 revisions

Make your own .json install file

The InstPakg script searches for a few keywords inside of the .json file, for example app is used as the install name of the application.

A quick example of how the .json file could look like.

{ "apt": [ {"app": "gimp", "repo": "", "command": ""} ] } This is how a simple one application installer .json file looks like for InstPakg which uses apt. If you want yum or any other package manager that is supported replace apt with yum.
The "app:" is the same name as if you where to install an application from apt-get for example -
apt-get install gimp.

"repo": is if the application you want to install requires a repository/ppa which is not added in your system.

"command": anything inside this will run before the installation of the program as long as it is proper bash code.

For a closer look at how the .json files are made, please look at the DEFAULT.json file in the repository or inside of your .instpakg folder