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  Made by using
== Git# --> Git for .NET ==
... a native Windows version of the fast & free open source version control system

GitSharp is the most advanced C# implementation of git for the .NET framework and Mono. 
It is aimed to be fully compatible to the original git for linux and can be used as stand 
alone command line application or as library for windows applications such as gui 
frontends or plugins for IDEs.

GitSharp is released under the BSD license. It is derived from the Java version jgit.
Please refer to the LICENSE.txt files for the complete license.

For more info check out the GitSharp website at

== Latest source code ==

== Bugs, Tasks etc. ==
  Submit bugs, read what we have to do or suggest new enhancements

== Support ==

  Post question, comments or patches to the official Git# mailing list at

== Tools and Dependencies ==

GitSharp contains the following open source components:

Included as Source:
* MiscUtil by Jon Skeet and Marc Gravell
* NDesk.Options 

Binary Dependencies:
* DiffieHellman
* ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib
* Org.Mentalis.Security
* Tamir.SharpSSH
* Winterdom.IO.Filemap

* NAnt 
* NUnit

== About GIT itself ==

More information about GIT, its repository format, and the canonical
C based implementation can be obtained from the GIT websites: - free book about Git

More information about the Java implemetation which Git# stems from:


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